View Full Version : American car magazines, books, manuals and DVDs

17-12-08, 07:52 PM

I'm Graham and I run a little business called American Auto Mags.

We import lots of mags direct from the publishers in the States,
primarily for mail-order enthusiasts in the UK and Europe.
As well as those, we have a reasonable selection of books including the Vern Tardel series of booklets.

The most popular mags are . .
Hop Up, Rodders Journal, Hot Rod DeLuxe, Car Kulture DeLuxe, Ol Skool Rodz,Traditional Rod & Kulture and Rodding USA
'Course we also stock Rat Rods, Kustoms Illustrated, Street Rodder, Hot Rod, Car Craft, Classic Trucks as well as a variety of Chevy, Corvette, Mustang, muscle car and drag racing mags ( including Gasser Wars )

You can check them all out, and order, on my site www.americanautomags.com
Incidentally, we do keep a selection of back-issues so, if you missed your favourite at the newsagents, give us a call, we may have it in stock.

In addition to mail order, we do have a trade stand at the NSRA shows
and quite a few others, during the show season.

So, how to contact us, anytime up til News at Ten !!
phone 01606 888324
mob. 07554 442350
email graham@americanautomags.com
website www.americanautomags.com
we're also on FB,

or of course, you can write to,
American Auto Mags
3 Foxes Hey
Delamere Park
