View Full Version : Bowling Green Bowling Green Bowling Green Bowling Green Bowling Green

Captain Scarlet
16-06-13, 01:24 PM
Yes, Bowling Green Lichfield this Wednesday 19th June.

More parking space now there is a new landlord.

http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa202/ijarm/jokey%20stuff/gregj_cowboyCmon_zps8f15f6fe.jpg (http://s202.photobucket.com/user/ijarm/media/jokey%20stuff/gregj_cowboyCmon_zps8f15f6fe.jpg.html)

The Bowling Green (pub on the island)
WS13 6QJ
Third Wednesday night of the month (not when its snowing !!) No snow forecast for this Wednesday :laugh:

Captain Scarlet
17-06-13, 01:25 PM
33 views Captain,i wonder who they were ?

I have no idea,maybe they are just curious.

Maybe they think you have posted something funny ?

What !,me !,i suppose it could be ,do you think this might be funny .


What i am doing now.

NO,not really

Well,thanks very much !!!!! http://www.rodsnsods.co.uk/forum/images/rns/smilies/icon_weirdo.gif

17-06-13, 01:48 PM
Afternoon Cap'n
It seems that I'm viewer 34 & 35.
I didn't find anything funny.

Captain Scarlet
17-06-13, 02:06 PM
Afternoon Cap'n
It seems that I'm viewer 34 & 35.
I didn't find anything funny.

Thanks Tony,so you had two looks and still couldn't find anything funny,i will have to have a good look around, there must be something funny somewhere :thinks:

17-06-13, 02:49 PM
Your horse looks a bit thin captain.
Is it a Mustang !
I"ll try to get out this week, but getting past the nurse is getting tricky.
Cuckoo, cuckoo.

Captain Scarlet
17-06-13, 08:35 PM
Your horse looks a bit thin captain.
Is it a Mustang !
I"ll try to get out this week, but getting past the nurse is getting tricky.
Cuckoo, cuckoo.

It is John ,i've been flogging it too much :)

PS: dress up in the nurses uniform that will fox her :thumbs_up_smiley:

More PS : And when you get to the Bowling green keep your legs together when you get out the Pop for Christs sake :eek:

18-06-13, 01:33 PM
I only wear that at weekends !

Captain Scarlet
18-06-13, 06:51 PM
I only wear that at weekends !

We all know that John,you should shut the curtains :D

And anyway anyway anyway

All being well we should see the debut of a very nice 318 mopar powered Mk1 Zephyr ,your gonna love it :yes:

Captain Scarlet
19-06-13, 07:08 PM
And the suns out too [8D] don't waste it

20-06-13, 01:12 PM
Got to say you were right, I loved it.