View Full Version : Mopar EuroNationals UPDATED June 20th

19-06-13, 09:50 AM
I know a lot of you enjoyed going to the Mopar EuroNationals on the usual Saturday Supernationals cruise and will now probably miss getting your "fix" of racing until the Hot Rod Drags, well now for have some good news, I have been able to get a discount of the entry price of The 20th Anniversary EuroNationals, so if you want to go and see some great heads up drag racing get along to Santa Pod on the weekend of 26th,27th and 28th July.
To get your discount all you have to do is complete a download the NSRA Discount Form from the MoparEuronats website, and hand the form and produce your current membership card on the gate


or just type in MoparNats UK into any search engine.

The Guys over at Mopar HQ are promising a great weekend entertainment.



19-06-13, 12:03 PM
Well done Dave.

I know a lot of you enjoyed going to the Mopar EuroNationals on the usual Saturday Supernationals cruise and will now probably miss getting your "fix" of racing until the Hot Rod Drags, well now for have some good news, I have been able to get a discount of the entry price of The 20th Anniversary EuroNationals, so if you want to go and see some great heads up drag racing get along to Santa Pod on the weekend of 26th,27th and 28th July. To get your NSRA discount all you have to do is show up at the gate and produce your current membership card. The Guys over at Mopar HQ are promising a great weekend entertainment.



19-06-13, 09:25 PM
..To get your discount all you have to do is complete a download the NSRA Discount Form from the MoparEuronats website, and hand the form and produce your current membership card on the gate


or just type in MoparNats UK into any search engine.

20-06-13, 09:02 PM
Discount rates are

£40 for the three day weekend or 2 day weekend Non Discount £45

£21 for the day rate Saturday or Sunday Non discount £23 per day NO FRIDAY daily Gate......Sorry.

Discount is not really fab but it all helps and at least Santa Pod do offer a discount for entry to the MoparNats!!!