View Full Version : Dvla at it again
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Not as it initially appears . It's currently aimed at one specific marque who have pushed the limits of 'originality' to the extremes. It then descended into finger pointing to the DVLA and the result is cars within that marque being reviewed .
Thanks Kev, yet another knee jerk reaction by the motoring press
Verified as other clubs ARE being contacted per below.
"It may appear that the DVLA are officially becoming aware of the overall problems regarding Historic vehicles.
Our Club's Authentification Officer and myself have received letters from the DVLA advising us that they are hosting a meeting in September " to clarify the policies of late conversions, V765 and reconstructed classic schemes, along with other general issues relating to the registration and licensing of historic vehicles " and inviting us to attend.
I would expect this letter has gone out to most pre-war / historic car clubs.
Chris Garner
Chairman - The Pre War Austin Seven Club Limited"
Thanks Kev, can you keep us informed ?
The NSRA have also had an invite to the meeting. More to follow.
DVLA have now contracted out their inspections to SGS ltd plus certain accredited MOT stations and ACE have details of one such inspection. Obviously engine and chassis numbers were taken along with numerous photos. The SGS contract is for 5000 inspections a year , roughly half of what LOs use to do. However it has become apparent that due to some RESTORERS actions ( !!??) first registrations are being tightened up and it is also apparent that they are only applying the 8 points rule to ALREADY registered vehicles.
I'm currently involved with a case where on a simple rebody just painting the chassis a different colour has caused suspicion in the eyes of DVLA and they have sent it for IVA as they believe a different chassis to the original has been used. That is ALL it takes for a non mechanically minded penpusher to cause untold grief :( Obviously an appeal has been lodged with lots of back up proof.
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