View Full Version : Ultimate UK Lowrider Gathering

ultimate uk gathering
25-03-08, 10:42 PM
2007 Saw our first meet/show.
This went well, so we’re doing it again in 2008!

A family show for all Lowriders /yank tanks/hot rods
to get together and have fun!

Postcode LE17 6JJ

MAY 3RD 4TH 5TH 2008

Gates open from Friday 3rd May at 3pm.

Raffles, Show & Shine, Silly Awards, BBQ(bring your own food), night time hop off's, cruise plus lots more.
BBQ area, Restaurant, Bar & Function room.
Mexican food & alternative home-cooked menu (by MAXIWRAP)
Glider flights (full details on website)

Lowriders, American cars, Hot Rods and much more

For the kids:
Bouncy castle, big slide & Rodeo (supplied by FUNDAYS)

Icecream Van (Supplied by Fundays)
Glider flights (by The Gliding Centre)
Trophies (supplied by "poshpaws!")

(pre booked ) ENTRY is £6 PER CAR / CAMPING is £6 PER NIGHT PER UNIT

( On the weekend/gate ) ENTRY is £8 PER CAR / CAMPING is £7 PER NIGHT PER UNIT

The forum has loads of photos of 2007.
and lots more info not just of this show
but where you can find UK Lowriders tagging on to other shows,
company’s links,
Uk Lowrider forums,
Charity Events, Open Days.
If we’ve missed your group, please do get in touch!

Do come and join in the fun! You won’t be disappointed!!

link to website http://www.ultimateuklowridergathering.com/

link to forum http://uklowridergathering.niceboard.net/index.htm

or u can email me on vwbeetle@ultimateuklowridergathering.com

if anyone would like to put some flyers around u can print some off here

Here r 2 flyers on 1 piece of A4 for thoses who want a smaller flyer

http://i65.photobucket.com/albums/h229/THE_T4_FOUR/2posters.jpg (http://i65.photobucket.com/albums/h229/THE_T4_FOUR/2posters.jpg)

Here is the full A4 flyer please download and print it out and spread the word in your area

http://i65.photobucket.com/albums/h229/THE_T4_FOUR/poster.jpg (http://i65.photobucket.com/albums/h229/THE_T4_FOUR/poster.jpg)

ALL HELP IS VERY GREATFULL to get the word around

thanks Steve

ultimate uk gathering
02-04-08, 09:21 PM
anyone like to help over the weekend?? Lads,Wifes,G/F? REWARD

Can anyone help with any of the Wanted item in the Link below

http://uklowridergathering.niceboard.ne ... 08-t40.htm (http://uklowridergathering.niceboard.net/our-ideas-wanted-items-to-make-the-weekend-better-f23/wanted-updated-2nd-april-2008-t40.htm)

if so get in contact with me

ultimate uk gathering
14-04-08, 10:59 PM
Hi all right this is the biggest update as yet,
we have the chance to help a little girl close to the venue
to raise money for her.
heres the link to her page http://www.helpsaveeva.co.uk/
WE will be doing a charity cruise for her on the sat evening to a local spot.
It will be plugged all over the area and on the net to get lots of people there to raise money for her.
I need to know who would want to join in the cruise so i got a idea of numbers poss be a small fee on the day to join the cruise again going to little Eva Winston Hart
please add your names by following the link http://uklowridergathering.niceboard.net/place-to-put-your-name-on-the-cruise-f32/
anyone that isnt coming but wants to give some money get incontact as if enough intrest ile start a paypal account for this
WATCH OUT FOR THE NEXT BIG UPDATE LATER IN THE WEEK WHERE U COULD WIN A 1 OFF LOWRIDER CYCLE in a raffle again all money raised will be for charity i just saw the bike he built last time for charity WOW its the dogs dangly bits
as soon as its confirmed ile post up a pic but might just by the whole raffle book me self.

ultimate uk gathering
17-04-08, 11:42 PM
Hi i was contacted last weekend by a guy called Andy who in the past has made a lowrider cycle for a charity/Hospice. He has offered to build one for the Gathering to raise money for
Little Eva http://www.helpsaveeva.co.uk/
here r some pics of his past build he did

ultimate uk gathering
18-04-08, 12:41 PM
right D.R (Dirty Rhino) has said he will dressup for sponsoring donations for the charity cruise on the night he came up with some ideas but i recons ST Trinians girls as this wont ofend joe public but be a laugh.
all money goes to Little Eva.
ive setup a paypal Account for the Gathering just put what the money is for.
what ive done is made a place on the forum so everyone can see whos donated and how much so u can see how much we have raised (this area will be area everyone can post without signing up)
i recon we should put a target of £100 on this to reach if we reach it he does it if we dont he doesnt

ultimate uk gathering
29-04-08, 11:38 PM
Hi all well im off tuesday to start setting up if anyone has anythink they ned to contact me im on 07527612494
2 single rooms r now up for grabs yer u can get 2 in each room before u ask aslong as one likes the floor. first come first serve thinku need bedding
full details on website

have a safe trip

ultimate uk gathering
02-05-08, 11:11 AM
well we r here weather is looking fine on the gliding club weather machine for the weekend ground drying well not muddy hope to see u the weekend we now got more stuff going on since we been here but not updated site, u just going to havto come and see LOL
to all that do come have a safe trip