View Full Version : Loss of registration.

19-04-23, 12:49 AM
I bumped up two of Kev's postings so they're towards the top. The one on 8 point Rule and Historic status. I've done so because I think it's important that you read and understand them especially in light of recent occurrences with people losing registrations on cars.
Fact. Sad as it is, it must be understood, that if they inspect your car and find that your vehicle does not comply with the 8 point rule they will recognize that the vehicle that you have a registration for does not exist anymore as not enough of it is still around. In light of that they go back to base and delete it from the records. Note: That also means that your chassis must not be modified, so recessed firewalls and chopped roofs on a monocoque are not acceptable. If you have a separate chassis then modifications to the body are okay, but that chassis must not be modified, and if it's a monocoque body then that is considered the chassis.
Although that is not nice to hear it is the truth because if you do not have enough of your original vehicle they were consider your vehicle no longer exists.
They do not have the right to take away your vehicle because it is your property, however if they suspect fraud or theft has been involved they may impound it as evidence. There are other reasons for taking your vehicle away but they're not to do with registration.
Likewise please understand that to retain Historical status a vehicle has to be quote 'Historical', that means an original vehicle.That does not mean it has an original number plate from 30 years ago, it means it must still be in the original condition and the original parts as originally made at date of manufacture. They do allow for replacement parts due to wear and tear, but if you change all suspension, the engine and the back axle, it's not really a historic vehicle is it.
One important thing to remember here is if you are claiming historical status so that you don't have an MOT or pay road tax, then if you are stopped or checked and that vehicle is found to not be historical, they will see that as an attempt to avoid tax or get around having an MOTs. Likewise historical vehicles are exempt from paying charges to go into ULEZ zones, and pretending you have historical status is seen again as avoidance of paying.
I realised that these things may be unpleasant to hear and you may not like to hear them, but it's my job to give you the truth not to give you pretty lies.

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21-04-23, 02:52 PM
At the moment you simply can't believe my pevious posts as DVLA have decided that REPAIRS to chassis or monocque are no longer acceptable and mean the identity is lost and the vehicle needs to go for BIVA. That's like for like restoration repairs NOT mods or even basic strenthening such as boxing .

Back when I was running ACE we clarified the basics of 8 point rules and what could be done . Due to getting DVSA ( VOSA) and DVLA to work together was hard but worthwhile work. DVLA know seem to have torn up what has been common practice for over 50 years and applied new rules that should have undergone a due Consultation process.

For years DVSA have been happy with replacement of same basic design as acceptable . DVLA have ocaionally piped up that they want all original as it left the factory parts which we all know is an imposibilty

However it gets stupid when a totally standard restoration ( as recently) is sent for BIVA for having too many new but standard design parts fitted !!

This is why ACE worked on both BIVA and 8 points system to try to ensure we always had a safety route.

22-04-23, 12:36 PM
Indeed Kev, DVLA has lost the plot. But I can't see the current stance lasting for long. The insurance companies will have a fit when they're told that any repairs they paid to be done were illegal, and effectively restoring classic cars is no longer acceptable. Theoretically Car SOS should now put up a disclaimer at the Beginning or end of their program that "what you see us about to do is not legal, and the vehicle will have to be modified to fit IVA rules and re-registered..."

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