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Thread: V8pop's V8pop

  1. #1
    NSRA member v8pop's Avatar
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    Jun 2003

    V8pop's V8pop AKA "Norm"

    This is my first progress report in almost 3 years, mainly because up until now I haven’t felt as if I’ve made much!
    I got the Pop (a 1955 103e) off ebay early December 2005, she was un-rodded but with no engine or box and most of the interior was missing. I had all the glass even though the front screen was broken, no bakerlite but both door cards and all the seats. The good news was she came with a green Log Book and 2 sixties tax disks!
    Adrian Smith of Buckland Automotive fame trailered her home for me one frosty mid December night and this is how she looked in the cold light of the next day – My first real look at her!

    I was determined to get a V5C first, so decided to do nothing to her until I had it, I contacted the DVLA and was told to send the Log book in and they would send me a V5C! And I believed them! I sent it, they sent it me back, 3 weeks later I got an appointment to have it inspected, as the date was 2 days from the date I received I phoned to cancel/move it, only to be told I was going about it all wrong! This time the very helpful and knowledgeable lady explained that I needed to send my Green Log Book and Tax Disks to her to get certified copies which I could use to apply for my V5C via the SVOC. That said I received all the forms and my copies by return. After contacting the SVOC and paying my dues someone came out to inspect my chassis, confirming the number was as shown on the Log book and not tampered with.
    The forms were countersigned and all sent off then approximately 8 months after my purchase I received a V5C.
    So now she’s all legal I need to get some space on the drive to work on her, I couldn’t afford a garage so I looked into building a car port, I’m less than 20 metres from a trunk road so I need to apply for Planning Permission. But I’m only 4 foot from the road so I probably won’t get it!! Save your money and just pave a working area – Job done – It’s September 2007 and this is where I’m at.

    So it’s off with the old axle.

    And start messing about with the Volvo 244 GLT axle I scored from Newark.

    And my swap meet Revo’s from Brayfield.

    Measurements taken I’m away to the shed to make the four bar setup.

    Now it’s time to make some room for it.

    I decided to section the chassis by about 4 inches to get the old gal down in the weeds.

    I made up a couple of 60 x 40 box section pieces to fillet into the chassis.

    And the ride height should look something like this – If I got it right!

    Happy with that it’s back to the shed to get the bars painted.

    Trial fit and axle bracket positioning.

    Had a bit of trouble this week-end!

    Now I need a cross member.

    Then it’s brackets to axle proper.

    Need to get some coil-overs on now, to stop the body falling over the wheels! I wanted to get them a close to the end of the axle as possible to try and limit the body roll.

    Just need a panhard rod and I’m sorted.

    I’ve always had the Idea of having the rear tyres poking out of the arches like the old gassers so rather than cut my good steel ones I sold them to make way for some second hand glass ones, which I felt happy to cut.

    And the result is…

    Next was boxing the rear part of the chassis and the coil-over tops.

    Because it’s outside I didn’t want to suffer with surface rust so I have finish painted it all ready to assemble.

    And assemble it I did.

    The finished ride height.

    It’s on to the front end now.

    I hope you have enjoyed this as much as I did !!
    Last edited by v8pop; 20-08-12 at 11:14 AM.
    They say "life's a Crap Shoot" - Sure would be nice to have some Shoot for a change !!

    My Pop My Intro

  2. #2
    Moderator jsf55's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Nice work

  3. #3
    Guest B-520's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Nice job

    That was only a dusting of snow. No worries about that

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Looking good.

    And I thought my garage was cold

  5. #5
    NSRA member Flamin Black A's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    great job keep the updates coming

  6. #6
    Seeing this sort of work going on outside in all the weather has to throw at ya don’t half make me and my work feel so…o inadequate!! LOL Dam good work you got going on there!

  7. #7
    NSRA member boyceeeee's Avatar
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    Nov 2003
    Looks like that's gonna be one nice Pop Tim , keep at it & keep the updates coming.

  8. #8
    NSRA member Rover V8's Avatar
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    Jul 2003
    Hi Tim,
    Brilliant job mate, some very nice work going on there, keep at it,

    All the best,
    Mike C.

  9. #9
    Guest cossie pop's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Thumbs up

    Nice picture thread their good to see the build up in stages the pop looks prity solid to keep the updates coming

  10. #10
    Guest Dave'29Ford's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    That wheelarch re-radiuserer is a nice piece of kit

  11. #11
    Guest JC.'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    That's seriously impressive work.

    The more I read threads like this, the more jelous I get of the tallent that some of you guys have.

  12. #12
    NSRA member chris's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Love it.
    nice work too,well done.

  13. #13
    NSRA member v8pop's Avatar
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    Jun 2003
    Thanks for the comments guy's, I've never had a garage so I've never missed it. I still have memories of doing a head gasket with frost on the wings!!
    The Pop is to be an old school project, mostly second hand parts and I will do most of the work, yes I am tight, but I do enjoy it!
    They say "life's a Crap Shoot" - Sure would be nice to have some Shoot for a change !!

    My Pop My Intro

  14. #14
    Guest pilgrim's Avatar
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    Aug 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by JC. View Post
    That's seriously impressive work.

    The more I read threads like this, the more jelous I get of the tallent that some of you guys have.
    me too, I was chuffed with myself for changing my starter motor!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Thumbs up

    looking good, keep us all posted with further pics & updates

  16. #16
    Guest Jonny69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave'29Ford View Post
    wheelarch re-radiusereriser
    You mis-spelled that Dave

  17. #17
    NSRA member v8pop's Avatar
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    The arch radiuser is just 2 bits of left over 4 bar tube tapped to take a bit of studding it’s not very adjustable but did the job. I swept 1 radius with the coil-over fitted and then 1 without and the axle sitting on the bump stops, then joined the 2 up and cut them out.
    It packs flat if anyone wants to borrow it !!
    They say "life's a Crap Shoot" - Sure would be nice to have some Shoot for a change !!

    My Pop My Intro

  18. #18
    Guest Dig these feet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JC. View Post
    That's seriously impressive work.

    The more I read threads like this, the more jelous I get of the tallent that some of you guys have.
    Me too. Seriously, how do you learn to do that kind of stuff? Do you teach youself? Do you train as a mechanic? Do you join a car club?

    I'm genuinely curious?

  19. #19
    Guest peelout's Avatar
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    Apr 2008
    That's great work me and dad keep checking this thread, be sure to keep the pics and info comming!

  20. #20
    NSRA member v8pop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dig these feet View Post
    Me too. Seriously, how do you learn to do that kind of stuff? Do you teach youself? Do you train as a mechanic? Do you join a car club?

    I'm genuinely curious?
    I did a electrical engineering apprenticeship in the early 70's, went to college at night to learn to Gas and Arc weld, taught myself to MIG. Bin in the NSRA on and off since the 70's (#353). Always tinkered with motors, even if they wern't Rods. What you don't know you either ask about or try it and see if it works. This internet/forum stuff has deffo helped me both from a knowelege basis and ideas, if you think something may work to be able to offer it up and get some serious constructive help without leaving the house can't be all bad, can it?
    They say "life's a Crap Shoot" - Sure would be nice to have some Shoot for a change !!

    My Pop My Intro

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