Anybody got any pics or storys of the second Saturday of the month cruise,someone tells me Mopar has???.
The Eastern cruisers aparently started it,in Sep of 74/75or 76???
Did you ever go to the cruise.
Anybody got any pics or storys of the second Saturday of the month cruise,someone tells me Mopar has???.
The Eastern cruisers aparently started it,in Sep of 74/75or 76???
Did you ever go to the cruise.
sorry to busy being amazed at women in t shirts, mini skirts and stockings walking around on the sea front in freezing cold weather in the middle of winter to take photos... was a great cruise in its day!
anyone go to the seven kings (ilford) meets just down from customvile
spoke before about starting a meet back down southend not a bad run if weathers good and hot doughnuts at the three sheels
Spirit of the Fifties were there at least once, though judging from the lack of black and gold shirts we were still Uxbridge Valley when this picture was made.
I think this picture came from Alphabet Alex, if so I am sure he has many more.
That biulding is still there with the Wonderland name.Ive got an old magazine called Model cars,theres a 2 page add in there with mention of a 24 hour race with £300 prize money which was proberly a lot back then.
Thanks Mopar,there the first pics ive ever seen of the cruise
Last edited by SJB; 11-01-09 at 11:02 AM.
Yes I was there every month through 74-77 I think in my '62 Capri - Blue with orange flames, then afterwards black.
Used to run down with the North Kent Roadsters and meet up with the Easten Cruiser boys down there.
We'd meet up at Americar in Basildon as I remember.
Don't think I have any photos but I'll have a dig
when my mates subaru was on the road we used to drive down there last year quite reguarly....theres sill a yellow modle Y with orange outlined flames choped roof.... anyone know it? seen it every time ive been there
I used to frequent the Southend cruise in a jacked up blue mk1 Cortina 'Street legal'
stopped when the old bill came down heavy one month with their machanics and were carrying out Mot style inspections on loads of our modified cars in the lay by on the sea front, trolley jacks, axle stands, lead lights, clipboards etc.
We were advised to stop turning up, seemed like a good idea,
Eastern Cruisers were meeting at Aquatels at the time in Basildon, its still there but hidden behind bas vegas
Wasnt the seven kings meet in the long thin car park next to the railway between the station and The Kings Pub ?
Used to go there on way back from Chelsea
What was the name of the stretch of rod in Beckton where we used to race.... near harpies ???
Need to see a copy of that mart please!! Im slowly doing a chelmsford drag n street rod club history dvd, hopefully be done one day !!