Anybody got any pics or storys of the second Saturday of the month cruise,someone tells me Mopar has???.
The Eastern cruisers aparently started it,in Sep of 74/75or 76???
Did you ever go to the cruise.
Anybody got any pics or storys of the second Saturday of the month cruise,someone tells me Mopar has???.
The Eastern cruisers aparently started it,in Sep of 74/75or 76???
Did you ever go to the cruise.
sorry to busy being amazed at women in t shirts, mini skirts and stockings walking around on the sea front in freezing cold weather in the middle of winter to take photos... was a great cruise in its day!
anyone go to the seven kings (ilford) meets just down from customvile
spoke before about starting a meet back down southend not a bad run if weathers good and hot doughnuts at the three sheels
Spirit of the Fifties were there at least once, though judging from the lack of black and gold shirts we were still Uxbridge Valley when this picture was made.
I think this picture came from Alphabet Alex, if so I am sure he has many more.
by the way i remember the mk4 or 5 cortina in the previous picture getting pulled up by the ole bill, they were all over the blower like a rash, i think he got a ticket for no belt cover!, heres some more pics, THE YELLOW PRIMERED MK1 CORTINA WAS A ROOFCHOPPED VAN & THE FORDSON OR THAMES VANS REG WAS MSV 906, MY CAMERA DIDNT SEEM TO LIKE TAKING NUMBER PLATES!, MORE SOON...
Last edited by MOPAR; 12-01-09 at 09:03 AM.
by the way the last lot of photos starting from the wheely barred oxford & these ones are all from the 12th of april 1986, discotrucker was also there (les cousins?) & so was alan lamberts? blue escort van, pictures are to crud to print. check out the mk2 with the hiked jag back end, i think these should be the next fashion to come back, with wheely bars of course!! thats all for now, will have a look to see if i have any more soon, cheers.
Last edited by MOPAR; 12-01-09 at 09:02 AM. Reason: spealt wrong
Yep - used to do that one in a really scruffy beige and primer lowered '66 Galaxie 2 door coupe with hot 428 and 4 speed. There were so many of us - we would all cruise out to a pub somewhere out near Navestock or Ongar and later race back to Jakes burger bar across the road from the car park.
yes I went there many moons ago, Custom Maid was also in the high street up from customville in Goodmayes. Pipecraft was behind CM, SHOWING MY AGE NOW....
Been through all links regarding clubs .meets, and cars so can anyone give me any information what happened to my mk1 Capri. went by the name spooky lady last seen parked behind a ladies hairdressers called Blondies in the forest gate area. In the days I was a member of the Eastside street club run by I think his name was Chris Course the meetings where held at the Barge aground pub in Barking I regularly did the Southend cruise and Chelsea cruise. does anyone remember the body shop in Cumberland road in Plaistow I think was ownd by Don Prady that's where I met Ray Mumford who at that time was painting the Bullit mustang. I talked him into painting the mural the spooky lady on the bonnet. the car was finished in silver global with a mirror flake overlay. any information would be good..
Essex girls are tough and always ready for
I rem the Southend Cruise it was a nightmare too many boy racers doing wheel spins in Rubbish cars.....Brighton Run on the A.127 was better, also known as the Dick Turpin I think its closed now not sure.
That biulding is still there with the Wonderland name.Ive got an old magazine called Model cars,theres a 2 page add in there with mention of a 24 hour race with £300 prize money which was proberly a lot back then.
Thanks Mopar,there the first pics ive ever seen of the cruise
Last edited by SJB; 11-01-09 at 11:02 AM.