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Thread: How about a Consul Capri thread !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. #221
    Guest 64Del's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dogcollarlabor View Post
    Hey all,
    just thought I'd share some pics of my Capri in Southern California. I dropped in a modified 13B rotary over 10 years and it's been going strong ever since. These cars are full of character and I'm glad to see that they are being appreciated.


    Very nice, welcome!


  2. #222
    NSRA member kapri's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ConsulCapri View Post
    I have just come across a 12 inch album cover. GET THE BUZZ by THE GREEN HORNETS the cover shows a modded Consul capri. The pic is of the side so no reg number, the album seems to be from 1996.
    Anyone know anything, like whose car it is?

    My old Green 2 litre Pinto powered one and I still owned it at the time.

    The Nightfire red 1500GT I did for /with good friend Mick Behrens now in the South of France being improved upon by Mike Tomlin.
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    Galations 6:7

  3. #223
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jim R View Post

    This is Jon Pastor's Capri at the 1979 Nats:

    After seeing Jon Pastors Capri in a Street Machine magazine around 82, made me go and buy my own (pretty sure that is Jon on his knees in the above picture)
    had to go to Rhyll in N/Wales for it from Bath, within the first few times driving it around Bath, I was getting flashed and pulled over by other lads who where only too happy to tell me they had one in a lockup being worked on, I did get mine down to a Cricket St Thomas show think that was in 82

    will try to add picture

    [img]1962 FORD CONSUL CAPRI by shagracer, on Flickr[/img]
    [img]1962 FORD CONSUL CAPRI by shagracer, on Flickr[/img]
    Last edited by PAsteve; 30-11-24 at 03:49 PM.

  4. #224
    NSRA member
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    I've got a front and rear screen here if anyone can use them. Far from mint and have overspray and possibly scratches. Free to someone who wants them as spares or to use. Flippers can flip off! Collection only from Wirral or could take to whatever events were going to next year.


    Sent from my SM-T515 using NSRA mobile app
    Bumper sticker - This is an historic vehicle and only has three speeds....... if you don't like this one you sure as hell won't like the others.

  5. #225
    NSRA member malstbird's Avatar
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    There is a fella who is having both a capri and a classic restored at Motoburo. I will ask and find out if he is interested for spares Chris. Thank you

    I was told hotrodding was expensive, I laughed.......but it wasnt for long

  6. #226
    NSRA member rem's Avatar
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    They are great looking cars, Capris and Classics. My first unfinished project was a 4-door Classic - got the seats re-upholstered and re-did the rest of the interior to match, arc-brazed (who else has used one of those?) a pair of tubes into the front wing for twin sunken aerials, but was beaten by rusty (non-existent) rear valence and lower quarters. Then a Pop came along and by the time I had finished stick-welding a box chassis for that I had scrounged an old 240v MIG from work so just got stuck into replacing the bottom six inches of Pop body rather than finishing the Classic. I also bought my first house sooner after that, so the Pop went with me to my own garage(!) and the Classic stayed on my parents' drive.

    Sold it to an old workmate who finished the bodywork (a fair amount of filler and fibreglass was involved), painted it and got it on the road. Only ever saw it once.

    PS That got me wondering and as I could remember the registration I looked it up on the DVLA: so 638EOT is still a red 1962 Ford, but untaxed since 1987. I don't think it was 1987 when I sold it - pretty sure it would have been 1985, maybe 1986, so he painted it red and maybe sold it to someone who then did nothing with it.

    Vehicle make FORD
    Date of first registration July 1962
    Year of manufacture 1962
    Cylinder capacity 1499 cc
    CO? emissions Not available
    Fuel type PETROL
    Euro status Not available
    Real Driving Emissions (RDE) Not available
    Export marker No
    Vehicle status Untaxed
    Vehicle colour RED
    Vehicle type approval Not available
    Wheelplan 2 AXLE RIGID BODY
    Revenue weight Not available
    Date of last V5C (logbook) issued 29 June 1987
    Sent from my Kitchen Table using a little box full of smoke and dangerous radio waves

    Shine is Fine

  7. #227
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    Arc braze? Is that the stuff involving 2 carbon rods that produces a kind of flame? The holder and rods seemed to come as standard equipment with every arc welder. I tried using it but was clueless. Didn't realise I needed some kind of filler rod! I see tig brazing seems to be catching on lately, if YouTube is anything to go by, but the idiots insist on calling it welding. Uses silicon bronze rods. I can see the possible use in dissimilar metals, but otherwise useless if you can actually weld!


    Sent from my SM-T515 using NSRA mobile app
    Bumper sticker - This is an historic vehicle and only has three speeds....... if you don't like this one you sure as hell won't like the others.

  8. #228
    NSRA member rem's Avatar
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    That's the one. I think my Dad bought the little yellow "arc welder with brazing attachment" in 1980 to restore his 1976 Fiat Miafiori

    TIG brazing is nice - I have a roll of 1mm silicon bronze MIG wire that I use.
    Sent from my Kitchen Table using a little box full of smoke and dangerous radio waves

    Shine is Fine

  9. #229
    Moderator jsf55's Avatar
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    I had one of those too ! Lent that and the welder too a mate and arrived too see the whole car up in flames and the fire engine. Never lent tools out after that !

    Sent from my SM-A515F using NSRA mobile app

  10. #230
    NSRA member Acker's Avatar
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    How about a Consul Capri thread !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Isn’t it great to see an old thread come back.
    Good looking car
    I’ve had a couple of capri’s, Ford V six running gear and the other Rover V eight

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