Gotta be my all time favourite factory 'Kustom'. I've owned both Classic's and a Capri and just love to see em modified. Here's a stock one for starters.
Gotta be my all time favourite factory 'Kustom'. I've owned both Classic's and a Capri and just love to see em modified. Here's a stock one for starters.
luverly motor even in unmodified trim.
My favorite automobile ever.
Her's a few more pics - first car is my old Capri after it had been resprayed by new owner and the rest are from my archives (stolen from the web).
And for the rat rodders amongst us (myself included), is this poor specimen.
Last edited by Klassicdave; 28-02-09 at 05:38 PM.
i remember your consul capri well dave. you did so much work on it i thought that you would never sell it. it looked much better in the ford monaco red with those big white walls thta you did it in bruv. cant think why he changed the colour to silver.
Here's a few, but what about the Classic?
Last edited by hurnleft; 16-05-09 at 08:56 PM.
Let's add the Classic as well. I guess the van is photoshopped, but nice all the same.
Last edited by hurnleft; 16-05-09 at 08:56 PM.
I`ve had a number of these over the years,was a member of the owners club way back in `75.
Kevs high rise was a great inpiration
I`ve got some piccys from those days somewhere but no scanner.So,if interested I can post the piccys onto someone who"ll put `em up as long as I get them back.
PM me with an address & post that you have
there was a small blocked Chevy engine Classic in SM,had injection has well.
Did I mention that I liked these cars
This is the car that got me hooked on Kustoms all those years ago
And there's more...................
I always loved this one........
Don't know whether this ever got finished, but it looked so damn good in the making...........
Another all time favourite............
The Zambessi estate car................
An the estate that Ford abandoned in there er wisdom (bl--dy idiots).
Hmm, somebody 'should' recognise this incarnation............
Thats it for now, somebody elses turn
Whats the story on this one
Don't know the fate of this particular Classic - it was on Ebay a couple of years ago.
This was a car of its time built by Mark Battye .I did the engine rebuilt to 'half race' spec and Southern Car Trimmers did the roof. Later the new owner had the padded roof removed ,V6 fitted and sprayed in a pink pearl and there it sat for at least 15 yeras to my knowledge
Galations 6:7
This one is still down at South Coast Kustoms, owner ran out of money. I'm sure it could be bought.
Galations 6:7
My girlfriend's Capri from a few years back. Tuned 1500, lowered, Lotus steels, red European indicator lenses and a custom leather interior. She still regrets getting rid of it.
This one still in this area somewhere, was struggling to get a MOT without door handles due to the owner not understanding what to do. Later appeared for sale for about £4000 ,still without MOT .
Originally found by Mike Battye, sold to Kev Reilander who sold it to Simon Bishop. I had input into the design of the convertible conversion,it was STRONG!!
Originally powered by a GT 1300cc and auto later upgraded to Pinto and auto after the conversion was developed by Steve Mills.
Galations 6:7
This looks like the never welded column change,bench seat , one we bought from Steve Loder ( the one he was saving). Made one good stage 2 engine from the 2 in the boot , remade all the parts from the column changes and recommisioned it. My mate sold it later back to Steve who had asked for first refusal. Taff ended with it and I believe it now resides in a private collection somewhere.
Last edited by kapri; 28-02-09 at 01:23 PM.
Galations 6:7
Steve Smith, ex Jagos foremans ,Capri pick up, the one with sequential rear lights. He was pulling a V4 and fitting a 1500, I was pulling a 1500 and fitting a V4 ,basically swapped running gear from each others cars .
Galations 6:7