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Thread: How about a Consul Capri thread !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. #201
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I was just going to mention Ray Brandon's name. I remember that he always drove Classics and Capris and tended to have about three at a time.

  2. #202
    NSRA member kapri's Avatar
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    He's down to just one at the minute . I've developed a hankering for another, thought I'd run out of ideas that were different but I feel a plan forming.
    Galations 6:7

  3. #203
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    Nov 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by MOPAR View Post
    Here some i found somewhere, think it was nicks time travel site, keep up the good work nick.......
    I always liked the pink consul capri convertable thats in the middle pic belonging to, if memory serves me well, simon bishop and featured in the october 1987 issue of street machine. It is mentioned in this thread with pics i think, but i cant get the pics to upload! Does this car still exist and what does it look like now?
    cheers, paul.
    Last edited by fungus; 17-01-10 at 05:11 PM.

  4. #204
    NSRA member kapri's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fungus View Post
    I always liked the pink consul capri convertable thats in the middle pic belonging to, if memory serves me well, simon bishop and featured in the october 1987 issue of street machine. It is mentioned in this thread with pics i think, but i cant get the pics to upload! Does this car still exist and what does it look like now?
    cheers, paul.
    It was still round my area about 5 years ago though was apparently stuggling to get an MOT due to the shaved handles ( not illegal but the MOT tester woudln't be swayed) . Last I heard of Simon he was out in Australia and doing tattooing.
    Galations 6:7

  5. #205
    NSRA member kapri's Avatar
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    Galations 6:7

  6. #206
    Guest Dave Lowe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kapri View Post
    I missed that one Kev!

  7. #207
    Guest 302zeph's Avatar
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    I know a man not a million miles from me with 3 tucked away in his garage????????????Everythings for sale if the price is right as they say.
    Also has been on here a while back,has a few other goodies tucked away

  8. #208
    NSRA member 59zody's Avatar
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    make enquiries about the GT...

  9. #209
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    Quote Originally Posted by kapri View Post
    thanks kev, i really liked this capri, only ive never been too sure about where the rear lights were fitted! Otherwise, great car.

  10. #210
    NSRA member kapri's Avatar
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    I had a similar set up on my last Kapri. I've been at owners clubs meeting where I've had to point out to restorers that I've moved the lights so to me it looks right But we all have different tastes and takes on what works ,it's what makes kustomising so interesting , seeing so many different versions of the same car.
    Galations 6:7

  11. #211
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    yeh, thats very true mate, what went into the strenghening of this car to remove the roof, does simon still own the car.

  12. #212
    NSRA member kapri's Avatar
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    Nope, Simon sold it on at least 20 years back. It had additional steel box welded inside along the trans tunnel, strenthen ing in the rear footwell area ( as this is a weak spot on the standard motor and , I think as it was a long time ago , additional boxing alongside the inner sills.
    Galations 6:7

  13. #213
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    Quote Originally Posted by Austin10 View Post

    There you go Kev.
    Thats my Old car sold it early 90 and bought it around 1988 after Hayling Island show, bought it near Bournemouth. I would love to know if this car is still around and would have it back in a flash, please let me know if anyone has any more information

    Best regards

  14. #214
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    Jun 2009

    Smile Steves classic

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave'29Ford View Post
    Charlie Stirling now owns the flamed one, he bought it last year off builder and owner since 1977 Steve Anderson from bournemouth. 460ci big block powered and runs 12.2 @ 112 for now
    Charlie races it at York raceway as well as the Nostalgia's and HRD's.

    Dave Mc
    Steve Anderson has been a good family friend for longer then I've been breathing and it's great to see his 'old flame' (as it was called) again. I remember going round his house in edgeware where he lived before movin to bournemouth. There would always be a group of people there working on a rod of some sort. Steve helped build 'fat nicks' fiat that was destined for a big block, not sure what happened to that, he also had his hands into bob lackersteins red 55', again I don't know if the car or bob is still around??? Answers on a postcard? Steve was building the Capri for about 20-25 Years and was also the builder of the ford Anglia I had a few years ago.....along with a black Anglia van too! He's a top guy and took so long with the Capri because he was always helping someone else. Thanks for posting the pic, I sent it on to him, and have just had a txt back saying "it done that to me in watford once!" anymore would be appreciated

  15. #215
    Quote Originally Posted by Klassicdave View Post
    When I was in the owners club some years ago, there was a for sale advert in the owners mag of a home brewed Classic estate with woody panels on which sounded very intriguing. Hmm, I wonder if there is a pic out there somewhere????????????????????????????????????????? ???????
    Built by my mate Walter in the early 70s, sadly the car has gone to the great two lane blacktop in the sky.
    Last edited by ConsulCapri; 01-02-11 at 08:19 PM. Reason: adding picture, hopefully!

  16. #216


    I remember that car it was outside John Cantwells flat ,at Elgin road when i bought my classic 229 JOO many years ago...

  17. #217
    Yes, john owned it for quite a while before getting his African Estate. He bought it from Walter, sold it to Classic racer Ian Drew who, with some help from me, sold it back to Walter (the 3rd time he had owned it, he bought it new, sold it, bought it back, then made it into an estate, then sold it to John). Walter hoped to restore it when he retired but it was just too far gone so he gave it to a scrapyard, without telling me. Paul Steeples bought it from the yard and broke it.

  18. #218
    I have just come across a 12 inch album cover. GET THE BUZZ by THE GREEN HORNETS the cover shows a modded Consul capri. The pic is of the side so no reg number, the album seems to be from 1996.
    Anyone know anything, like whose car it is?

    Last edited by ConsulCapri; 16-02-11 at 05:01 PM. Reason: to add picture

  19. #219
    Hey all,
    just thought I'd share some pics of my Capri in Southern California. I dropped in a modified 13B rotary over 10 years and it's been going strong ever since. These cars are full of character and I'm glad to see that they are being appreciated.


  20. #220
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    Mar 2008
    hi there, my friend has a consul capri he lives in irvine, he was just get started on it last time we spoke about 12 months ago

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