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Thread: Woohoo!! Reassembly starts!

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    It may have taken a long time Mark but it certainly looks worth the wait. I look forward to seeing it in the flesh, Well done

  2. #22
    NSRA member Blackpopracing's Avatar
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    Thanks for the compliments everyone.

    Unmasked it first before flatting,

    Today saw more painting, as it did not matter if the body got overspray on it as it was going to be flatted down later.
    The first bit was my column shroud, this was originally satin black, but it had already got marked and after unwrapping it I did nort like that finish after all, so it's now going gloss black.

    Next up were two of the inner window frames, I had painted all of these earlier but these two had a couple of issues in the finish, so I painted them again.

    Also painted the front window inner finisher, this has been hanging around for ages waiting to be done.

    And lastly the boring but necessary flatting of the body begins again.

  3. #23
    Gasser Circus Member
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    Apr 2011

    re pop paint

    wow thats the business is this lechler ? outstanding prep too mate well done ..
    Quote Originally Posted by Blackpopracing View Post

    Its SHINY

    Only the first 2 coats so far, but it all looks super straight I'm pleased to say.
    Tomorrow will be sanding it all down again ready for the next coats.

  4. #24
    NSRA member Blackpopracing's Avatar
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    No, I'm using Mipa Super Black instead. I was using a custom mix of black with Lechlar, but I found it harder to use and suffered a lot of reaction issues with it for some reason?

    The window trims, front frame & column shroud are done in Lechlar as I have a litre left, so want to use it up. Seem to have sussed how to use it now but prefer the Mipa as it goes on so well and flows better than the Lechlar.

  5. #25
    Guest englishrodder's Avatar
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    Long time coming Mark, but looks excellent

  6. #26
    NSRA member v8pop's Avatar
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    Stunning Mark, absolutely stunning.
    I would worry about flatting it in case I couldn't get it that shiny again. Well done mate.

    Cheers. Tim W.
    They say "life's a Crap Shoot" - Sure would be nice to have some Shoot for a change !!

    My Pop My Intro

  7. #27
    NSRA member Russ's Avatar
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    looks nice Mark, but i'm confused, why rub it down an paint it again
    but it`s what i`ve always wanted an this`ll be a keeper!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. #28
    NSRA member Blackpopracing's Avatar
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    2 coats of paint are not enough for a proper finish, you need about 6.
    Just flatting it off with 600 grit has found bare metal in one place.
    Flatting between coats will bring on a glass like finish.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Looking good Mark. Hope it's given you the inspiration to finally get the car on the road!.

    Be good to see it out next year.


  10. #30
    NSRA member mygasser's Avatar
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    Flatting between coats will bring on a glass like finish.[/QUOTE]

    wasn't that in the days of cellulose? if you're using 2 pack don't you just lay on the required number of coats then flat and polish (assuming no reactions or runs etc to flat out as you go).
    ps looking the nuts in 'colour'

  11. #31
    NSRA member langysrodshop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mygasser View Post
    Flatting between coats will bring on a glass like finish.
    wasn't that in the days of cellulose? if you're using 2 pack don't you just lay on the required number of coats then flat and polish (assuming no reactions or runs etc to flat out as you go).
    ps looking the nuts in 'colour' [/QUOTE]

    I like to put on 3-4 coats then flat & polish
    Any advice or help given is actually based on having done the job, not read about doing it or Googling it. Our parts are air freighted so 5-7 day delivery, The best GRP Willys body available/Rebel Wirings only UK dealer/Speedway Motors authorised dealer/Summit racing/Jegs/Hotrod parts supplied, MAC Autos, We deal with all the US hotrod suppliers even non car related stuff.
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  12. #32
    NSRA member Blackpopracing's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by frankee View Post
    Looking good Mark. Hope it's given you the inspiration to finally get the car on the road!.

    Be good to see it out next year.

    Cheers Frank, yes it does feel like the end is near now, it's finally looking like a car at last. Looking forward to bolting all the bits back on it!

  13. #33
    NSRA member Blackpopracing's Avatar
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    Body is flatted back again now, de grease tomorrow and mask up again, then painting more coats at the weekend

  14. #34
    NSRA member langysrodshop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blackpopracing View Post
    No, I'm using Mipa Super Black instead. I was using a custom mix of black with Lechlar, but I found it harder to use and suffered a lot of reaction issues with it for some reason?

    The window trims, front frame & column shroud are done in Lechlar as I have a litre left, so want to use it up. Seem to have sussed how to use it now but prefer the Mipa as it goes on so well and flows better than the Lechlar.
    Mark I never noticed it before that you say you are getting a coat out of 1/2 a litre of paint, that doesn't sound enough to me, this would also explain why you flatted through to metal and why the Lechlar wasn't flowing nicely ???

    When flatting topcoat it's quite possible to go through to the primer but going through to metal is slightly worrying.
    Last edited by langysrodshop; 16-08-12 at 08:48 AM.
    Any advice or help given is actually based on having done the job, not read about doing it or Googling it. Our parts are air freighted so 5-7 day delivery, The best GRP Willys body available/Rebel Wirings only UK dealer/Speedway Motors authorised dealer/Summit racing/Jegs/Hotrod parts supplied, MAC Autos, We deal with all the US hotrod suppliers even non car related stuff.
    Brake,Oil & Fuel etc plumbing stockist/Totally Stainless fastener dealer/Dolphin Instrument dealer, LMC & Brothers Trucks,
    Stainless Exhaust tube & mandrel bends stockist

  15. #35
    NSRA member Russ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blackpopracing View Post
    2 coats of paint are not enough for a proper finish, you need about 6.
    Just flatting it off with 600 grit has found bare metal in one place.
    Flatting between coats will bring on a glass like finish.
    Mark 2 coats are all your supposed to put on with 2k, and you shouldnt need to flat it at all if its done right it should be flat n shiney off the gun
    but it`s what i`ve always wanted an this`ll be a keeper!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. #36
    NSRA member Blackpopracing's Avatar
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    Hi Steve,

    I dont think I'm putting it on too thin, any thicker and it would have curtains in it? The bare metal is on a sharp edge on the rear wheel arch flange and was only about 10mm long by 2mm wide bit, just an edge that is hard to not break through. Where it was masked around the door frames the thickness is a good 0.5mm and was pretty hard to smooth back, think thats plenty for 2 coats?

    The reactions with the Lechlar were when I put more than one coat on in one evening, single coats were absolutely fine.

    2 coats for a blow over maybe, but I would disagree for a full on show finish.
    Last edited by Blackpopracing; 16-08-12 at 08:22 PM.

  17. #37
    NSRA member
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    Painting with 2K paints.

    I guess to a degree it depends if your painting the car in basecoat n clear or in a direct gloss finish. In the accident repair/refinish world, using basecoat n clear, and an HVLP set up one and a half to two coats of clearcoat would be commonplace. I agree on a show car more paint would be needed.

    Your prep work looks pretty nice so getting a great finish shouldn't be a problem.
    I'd be tempted to aim for 3 coats, flat with fine paper, recoat with two or three more coats giving you plenty of material to flat back for polishing.

    Final flatting should be done with fine then ultra fine paper then polishing won't be to difficult. A glass like finish will be yours! Loads of work but on your own car it's worth it.

  18. #38
    NSRA member Blackpopracing's Avatar
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    Cheers Paul,
    Thats exactly what I'm aiming for, approx 6 coats total.

  19. #39
    NSRA member Blackpopracing's Avatar
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    Bit of a mare in the garage today, was about to finish painting the shell, got it all prepped and the compressor decides it wont run
    Managed to get it running again after stripping half of it without finding any faults.
    Tack ragged the body, mixed the paint, loaded the gun and started painting......and stopped. Gun was pulsing the paint, tried all sorts with it as I thought it was not breathing properly through the vent hole as paint was coming out of it (not normal on this gun) so quite messy!
    Ended up stripping the gun completely and found a tiny obstruction in the tip.

    In the meantime there was paint curing on the car so it was a quick load up again and get spraying. Got the first coat on but it really was not looking good, very orange peely and a bit dry, not happy with it at all, and I got a run on the lower rear panel

    Thinned the mix down a bit more for the second coat and shot that on, but compressor packed up again 3/4 of the way through luckily there was enough pressure in the tank to finish without losing pressure at the gun.

    At least the second coat went on really nicely, flowed out much better for a pretty good gloss all over.

    I'll quickly block the run in the rear valence tomorrow and just blow that section while the paint is still green.

    Started looking into the compressor issue, turns out it was a sticking pressure switch, it was switching the power but not releasing the pressure so the motor was loading and tripping the safety.

    Anyway, finished body

  20. #40
    NSRA member Hot Rod Widow's Avatar
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    Elmo and I agree .. thats beautiful .. well done you

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