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Thread: Black'n'Flamed 32 3 window

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  1. #1
    NSRA member fabphil's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Black'n'Flamed 32 3 window

    I have wanted a rod since 1973 when I first saw American Graffiti.
    Unfortunately not working in the motor/engineering trade and not having a garage or workshop meant it never happened.
    Last Christmas I decided it was time to make the dream a reality and started to look for a running 32.
    After a couple of false starts this arrived.
    It runs OK but needs tidying up, new interior, alloys and some time in the future a big shinny 8-71 blower.
    Name:  DAS 523 drivers side 200714.jpg
Views: 3149
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    You have to get older, but you don't have to grow up!!!

  2. #2
    NSRA member HAROLD's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Neat where did you find it

  3. #3
    NSRA member fabphil's Avatar
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    Mar 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by HAROLD View Post
    Neat where did you find it
    Happy coincidence, I just missed it a Christmas. It was advertised on one of the other forums.
    Then about three weeks ago the guy got in touch to see if I was still interested as he didn't have time to do anything to it for a while.
    I went up to Stoke to have a look and collected it the following week.
    You have to get older, but you don't have to grow up!!!

  4. #4
    Guest scrap yard dog's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Very nice

  5. #5
    NSRA member fabphil's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Name:  32 at Knebworth.jpg
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    Got the new wheels and tyres fitted at last.
    Went out for a spin and got muddy!!!
    You have to get older, but you don't have to grow up!!!

  6. #6
    Moderator martin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Waht a difference, looks so much better with those wheels & tyres.

    Who cares If It's glass or steel, It's still a hot rod.

  7. #7
    Guest yjohnb's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Very nice, good to have some more pic's,

  8. #8
    NSRA member fabphil's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Name:  DAS 523 rear view 200714.jpg
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    Been having a good look round at wheels today.
    Looking at Rocket Injector 15 x 10 polished for the rears with Hoosier Prostreet 31 x 12.5 x 15 tyres and Rocket Launcher polished with the existing Vredestein vintage on the front.
    Also need to have the interior completely re trimmed. Looking a black tuck 'n' roll with contrasting piping.
    You have to get older, but you don't have to grow up!!!

  9. #9
    NSRA member v8pop's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Looks good mate, don't forget to post the updates. When I saw the number plate I thought it was German

    Cheers. Tim W.
    They say "life's a Crap Shoot" - Sure would be nice to have some Shoot for a change !!

    My Pop My Intro

  10. #10
    NSRA member v8pop's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Nice one Phil, that's given me plenty to read while it's wet outside.

    Cheers Tim W

    Sent from my G3121 using NSRA mobile app
    They say "life's a Crap Shoot" - Sure would be nice to have some Shoot for a change !!

    My Pop My Intro

  11. #11
    NSRA member fabphil's Avatar
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    Mar 2014
    There’s loads more to come. If I remember the main reason I stopped posting on this forum was difficulty in loading pictures. I’ve just found I can copy and paste OK so transferring the rest over shouldn’t be to painful.

    Sent from my iPhone using NSRA mobile app
    You have to get older, but you don't have to grow up!!!

  12. #12
    NSRA member fabphil's Avatar
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    Mar 2014
    Back to the car
    First go at proper solid riveting. Looks straight forward but the result wasn't quite as good as I'd hoped can only get better
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    Used marine Sicaflex to bond the ally to the existing firewall.
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    Starting to bring cables through and find all the original holes for brackets and clamps etc.
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    Last edited by fabphil; 24-02-23 at 04:36 PM.
    You have to get older, but you don't have to grow up!!!

  13. #13
    NSRA member fabphil's Avatar
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    Have been working on the motor for a while now, got some time over the weekend to start on the bomber seats.
    Hot Rod Harry helping to hold down the ally sheet.
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    Four sides cut out with the air shears
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    Centre punched holes for rivets
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    Ended up drilling over two hundred 3mm holes for the rivets
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    Got this expanding gadget to set the distance between the rivet holes ,saves a lot if measuring
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    Cleco fittings to hold all together
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    Angle fitted to side piece

    And we get to fitting the copper rivets. The air gun makes short work of things.
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    A few hours later, angle riveted , all U section edging cut for both seats. Lumbar support made.

    Seat bottom and back bent, sides clamped in place.
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    Then I got to play with my dimple die cutters!

    (Can't load any more pics. Reached post limit).

    It's surprising how long it takes. Lots still to do. Need to deal with the sharp corners on the U section, rivet the back and base to the sides. Then fit to the mounting frame. Looks like there will be almost 500 rivets per chair!

    Had a re-think on the edges. I'm not really happy with the angle at the top and bottom of the seat sides even filing them to a radius they will still hurt if accidentally caught so will be altering them to curves and hopefully using split copper micro bore plumbing pipe (8/10mm) to follow the curves.)
    Last edited by fabphil; 20-03-23 at 06:34 PM.
    You have to get older, but you don't have to grow up!!!

  14. #14
    NSRA member fabphil's Avatar
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    Got some play time today. Started on the roof switch panel.
    This has to house all the usual switches lights, wipers, de-mist fan, brake level warning light and test switch plus all the aux switches for the nitrous, fuel pumps, cooling fans etc. Also has the radio, nitrous computer and trans and oil temp gauges.
    Started off using the folder to get the basic shape then a lot of drilling, cutting and filing to get all the holes correct. The three holes in the back are for the BMW de-mist fan (BIVA requirement).
    Name:  IMG_3214.jpg
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    Cut and folded the end pieces.

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    Riveted into place.

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    Fitted all the kit.
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    The blower fan is the smallest I could find to fit, its the rear screen de-mist from a BMW cabriolet. Works like a small hairdryer, no water required.
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    Last edited by fabphil; 20-03-23 at 06:39 PM.
    You have to get older, but you don't have to grow up!!!

  15. #15
    NSRA member fabphil's Avatar
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    Mar 2014

    Started on the wiring for the switches. Spaghetti! Should look better when the plugs are on the ends and all cable tied up.
    Name:  IMG_3274.jpg
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    Trying to figure out the side light/headlight, low beam/high beam and two speed wipers has been interesting
    Name:  IMG_3273.jpg
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    Last edited by fabphil; 20-03-23 at 06:42 PM.
    You have to get older, but you don't have to grow up!!!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    Just caught up with the all of your post and enjoyed it. Keep up the good work and keep posting.

    Sent from my iPhone using NSRA mobile app

  17. #17
    Moderator martin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Really enjoying this thread, looking forward to the next installments.

    Who cares If It's glass or steel, It's still a hot rod.

  18. #18
    NSRA member
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    Might have missed it, but did the poor braking get resolved? Pedal mods were in the offing but bleeding removed a possible huge air bubble. Unclear, to me anyway, if that was it or not.


    Sent from my SM-T515 using NSRA mobile app
    Bumper sticker - This is an historic vehicle and only has three speeds....... if you don't like this one you sure as hell won't like the others.

  19. #19
    NSRA member fabphil's Avatar
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    Mar 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Happydaze View Post
    Might have missed it, but did the poor braking get resolved? Pedal mods were in the offing but bleeding removed a possible huge air bubble. Unclear, to me anyway, if that was it or not.


    Sent from my SM-T515 using NSRA mobile app
    Got it sorted in the end.
    After all the messing about turns out it was a massive air lock in the pipe to the front nearside calliper.
    The brakes had all been bled until no air bubbles were visible but there was still air in the pipe!
    Ended up pumping a litre of new fluid through and that cleared it.
    Brakes are great now.
    You have to get older, but you don't have to grow up!!!

  20. #20
    NSRA member
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    Cool, but it seems kinda weird that you have decent brakes with a 3:1 pedal ratio. Doesn't sound possible really unless you're pressing incredibly hard! Hmm. Just curious, enquiring minds and all that!


    Sent from my SM-T515 using NSRA mobile app
    Bumper sticker - This is an historic vehicle and only has three speeds....... if you don't like this one you sure as hell won't like the others.

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