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Thread: Black'n'Flamed 32 3 window

  1. #281
    Moderator martin's Avatar
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    This might help.

    Ball Joint - Quinton Hazell

    Who cares If It's glass or steel, It's still a hot rod.

  2. #282
    NSRA member mygasser's Avatar
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    you should've asked if there was anyone there who left school in the last century that you could talk to

  3. #283
    NSRA member fabphil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by martin View Post
    Great find.
    I've looked through the first 20 pages (only 21 more to go!) and think I may have found one that will work, just got to check some dimensions off of the old one.
    It says is OEM for Peugeot.
    I'll keep you all posted
    You have to get older, but you don't have to grow up!!!

  4. #284
    NSRA member fabphil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mygasser View Post
    you should've asked if there was anyone there who left school in the last century that you could talk to
    It's a sad fact of life, knowledge of your product is on the decrease. If its not standard it can't possibly be...
    You have to get older, but you don't have to grow up!!!

  5. #285
    NSRA member fabphil's Avatar
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    Off we go again!
    After much reaserch and head scratching I decided not to replace the ball joints, but for future reference they are Peugeot parts, thread is M14 1.5, cone is 18mm, bottom thread is 48mm.
    After taking the bushings out some of them had gone hard so I needed to find replacements.
    Looked on Ebay and found someone selling 35mm poly rod but it worked out at £63.00 for the amount I would need.
    Then as sometimes happens a post popped up on Facebook for a set of 20 bushings!

    Turns out they were the exact size I needed (same as Pete & Jakes front end bushings).

    The company was called EVOL Engineering and the chaps name was Justin.

    20 bushes for £25.00 postage included...result.

    Few pics below showing progress.

    The bushes were originally well coated in copper grease but reading the fitting guide on the Polybush website they recommend using only washing up liquid.
    After a while the grease dries out and acts as a cutting compound!
    You can see this on some of the metal sleeves.
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    Just got to dismantle the first side again now and replace all th blue bushes with black ones
    I know I should have powder coated the tie rod and steering rack arms aswell but didn't fancy having to strip the rack apart and have to re do all the steering geometry.
    Last edited by fabphil; 17-12-24 at 04:09 PM.
    You have to get older, but you don't have to grow up!!!

  6. #286
    NSRA member
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    Silicon grease is supposed to work well too.

    How stiff are the bushes? I'm not shore what numbers correspond to what. I've had some rated shore 20 that disintegrated with just some minor misalignment of coilovers! Pete and Jakes are I think towards the softer end.

    Connecting the brake hose to the coolant tank is a novel idea. Cooling or pre warming? (Ref last but one pic.)


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    Bumper sticker - This is an historic vehicle and only has three speeds....... if you don't like this one you sure as hell won't like the others.

  7. #287
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    Soapy water is great for assembly but dries out very quickly. If there us no lube between the sleeve and the bush it WILL start to squeak. It's the major weaknesses of poly bushes.

  8. #288
    NSRA member mygasser's Avatar
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    yep, but only use grease between the inner of the bush and the inner sleeve, not outside the bush and the outer housing.

  9. #289
    NSRA member fabphil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Happydaze View Post
    How stiff are the bushes? I'm not shore what numbers correspond to what. I've had some rated shore 20 that disintegrated with just some minor misalignment of coilovers! Pete and Jakes are I think towards the softer end.
    I messaged the chap to check the Shore rating.
    He came back with all his bushings are 85 to 90, so should be OK for a while.
    You have to get older, but you don't have to grow up!!!

  10. #290
    NSRA member kapri's Avatar
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    Yorkshire street rods front end(s) used 3/4/5 Cortina, Granada , Talbot Solara . (disastrously) Transit track rods ends as lower joint and Princess . Princess are designed to be shimmed and the normal problem with them is thta no one does it . Old article on UKHotrods tech site about hos to do it. If you replace search out NOS thatahave metal balljoint securing casing not plastic. Plastic breaks easily and regularly
    Galations 6:7

  11. #291
    NSRA member fabphil's Avatar
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    I read your article on UK Hotrods that gave me a starting place. I ordered some Solara ball joints but the bottom thread was too small for the cup. Turns out the original ones are still good so I’ve re used them.

    Sent from my iPhone using NSRA mobile app
    You have to get older, but you don't have to grow up!!!

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