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Thread: some old pop pics....

  1. #21
    NSRA member pikko's Avatar
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    [quote=Job~Rated;53463]You're welcome. I took that along with a couple more at a Kings Lynn Kruisers bash - would've been around 1980...

    Well done that man!!! you are my new hero! Fantastics pics of my Pop Stef!! That shot or the rear gets me thinkin whether I should put the the chrome bumper back on??? Its as tatty as hell at the moment so needs a re-chrome but it did look sweet on there then. But on the flip side I do like the bumperless look too. (sigh!!) What a dialemma! lol. Anybody got any more stuff on Street Odyssey that they'd like to share with me, albeit words or pics. I crave information.............................
    A clean car is a sign of a sick mind!
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  2. #22
    NSRA member Captain Scarlet's Avatar
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    I vote for the back bumper back on Lee

  3. #23
    NSRA member Captain Scarlet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Pop Shop View Post
    Cheers Captain! Is that Ian?...
    Yep sure is Ron,click on "my intro" to see my Pop
    Luvin all the photo's,i had never seen "The liquidator" in its pre wrecked state.
    The Low black Pop PDV801 was living in Stafford near me a few years ago.

  4. #24
    Ooops! nearly forgot "Jaganaut"
    plus a few more that I find amusing!!

  5. #25
    Guest earlyfordbob's Avatar
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    Hi Stef, XXJ656 was mine it was originally powered by a chrysler 273 then later a 318 out of a charger i sold that about 1995 and thats the first picture i have seen of it since.I saw it last at the nats in 2006 and walked past it, as it is/was painted in a light metalic green with i think bright orange seats. Bob
    Last edited by earlyfordbob; 31-03-08 at 11:49 PM.

  6. #26
    NSRA member pikko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Captain Scarlet View Post
    I vote for the back bumper back on Lee

    Thats a vote for 'bumper on' then...... Any more takers? lol
    A clean car is a sign of a sick mind!
    -<< Engine Fire-up . My Pop >>-

  7. #27
    Guest Rich G's Avatar
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    Excellent thread - keep the photos coming!

  8. #28
    NSRA member digger's Avatar
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    great pics guys, keep'em coming

    Pop shop posted this one in different paint...... do like it like this!!
    Last edited by digger; 01-04-08 at 03:59 PM.
    been there , broke that!

  9. #29
    NSRA member v8pop's Avatar
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    Attachment 3121

    What make are those wheels?? Pleeese
    Last edited by v8pop; 30-05-08 at 11:15 AM.

  10. #30
    NSRA member digger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by v8pop View Post
    Attachment 3121

    What make are those wheels?? Pleeese
    Revolutions! one of my favs after slot mags that is!!
    been there , broke that!

  11. #31
    NSRA member The Candy Man's Avatar
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    Here are a couple of pics of my old sit up 'n' beg, I regretted selling the car and still miss it. I reckon at one time or another everybody should own a rodded Pop, there's just something about them.

    If the new owner is getting half the fun from it that I did then he's having a great time! Would like to know where it is now... Micky T.
    Last edited by The Candy Man; 30-03-11 at 12:34 PM.

  12. #32
    Guest hershambob's Avatar
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    this was built by guy gubbins,was white,then blue/puple global flake,then yellow and was sold to a chap in moonshine cruisers,was always around kingston/chessington/new malden sw london

  13. #33
    Guest hershambob's Avatar
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    this was the first hotrod i ever saw,pete frampton drove it passed my school while we was playind footie in the tennis courts,,everyone stopped and looked but only i got hooked,,,it was in this paint job,,,had it in my possesion for a very short while..

    this was steve(bugsy) broardleys first pop,it was blue when he got it,came from windsor,had a herald motor,,,steve fitted a 1600 crosflow and auto,,i last saw it at slyfield(wheelsday)with a heavy chop,,,the reg has been sold now!!!!!!!!!

    this black pop was my mate from school,karl ayling,he was with me in the playground that day when pinball drove bye,he got it from northamton,it had a 1600crossflow,jag irs and viva front,karl now resides in sw france

  14. #34
    Guest hershambob's Avatar
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    arfur evans russian roulette(the deer hunter)built in 73/4,had a transverse rear spring on a jag irs,,he used it as his company car,he still has it,,he had ali fenders and boot lid made for it and proberly?the first digital dash in a rod
    Last edited by hershambob; 01-04-08 at 06:48 PM. Reason: more text

  15. #35
    NSRA member Morris460's Avatar
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    Twelth one (829 CNN) down is my old one. Long since vanished.

  16. #36
    Guest farncombe pop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hershambob View Post

    this was built by guy gubbins,was white,then blue/puple global flake,then yellow and was sold to a chap in moonshine cruisers,was always around kingston/chessington/new malden sw london
    Last time i saw this it had lost it's large rear lights and was blue i think it was ipswich nationals 06.

  17. #37
    NSRA member pikko's Avatar
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    Now, I know i'm a relative newbie in the rodded pop scene but I never realised just how many awesome lookin pops have been around. Yes, I flicked thru countless back issues of old custom mags but that just gives a small sampling of what was, and still is, really out there. One of the best threads that I've been on so far..... Thanks everyone!

    A clean car is a sign of a sick mind!
    -<< Engine Fire-up . My Pop >>-

  18. #38
    The original Liquidator team:
    Mike Cornelius, Roger Horn & Geoff Barrett

    If you look at the pics of "Good Vibrations", then check the rebodied "Liquidator", you will see where he got the base car from!!!

    Last edited by The Pop Shop; 02-04-08 at 01:49 AM.

  19. #39
    NSRA member chris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin View Post

    got any more old pics of this old heap

  20. #40
    Here's a car with a history......
    I had the great pleasure of meeting Bob Gleadow last year, when he came into my Pub, by sheer coincidence, as he was looking at a house nearby. He saw my Pop pictures on the wall and we got talking......

    Back in the early 70's, Bob & his brother, Mick got hooked on drag racing, and decided to build a Pop!
    This text is from their great website:
    "Way way back in the mists of time, Bob and his brother Mick were working in a catering van for their Father. They happened to turn up at a drag race with it, and became hooked. Their first car was built at their Dad's bakery in Hitchin, Herts. A Ford Pop was the choice of car, and in it's first incarnation it was known as 'The Mangler', painted green with orange lexan windows. This went on to fame and notoriety as Motor Psycho, first in purple then for 1973, in blue."

    "The car ran for a while before a rather impressive wheelstand which, on returning to horizontal, caused the motor to expire rather nastily. Bob and Mick were disheartened by this, and the car went up for sale."

    "A young man by the name of Al O'Conner purchased it in 1975, and soon everyone knew the name 'Al's Gasser'. It can still be seen terrorising the strip today, albeit in name only as the original car was totalled in a rather severe crash some time ago."

    The name "Motor Pyscho" lives on, but it is now gracing the body of a 34 coupe.

    Check out the Time Machine racing's excellent website:
    Last edited by The Pop Shop; 02-04-08 at 12:37 PM.

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