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Thread: frighten chicken'

  1. #1
    NSRA member thamesvan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Cool frighten chicken'

    Well kiddies your next mission should you choose not to accept it,is a 63 split window 'vette.Not really a hotrod as such,so it all might end here.I don't even have a picture.All I can tell you it raced at the Pod (late 70's)against another great adversary;Firebrewed Pontiac firebird,another whole story there.Watching these 2 particularly race was exciting,Not like the cars now these 2 would be going from guardrail to guardrail I got to get all this stuff down,my brain is turning to tumbleweed,as if it always wasn't.Back to the vette,it came from Sweden,and when he raced the car used to lift on the wheels which totally "toed" in,Once seen never forgotten.I bet I end up tracing all this myself,but I'm beginning to get good at it.if I say so myself also,I,m looking to call my van "The Ugly Ducklin'" as a kind of homage to this vette!Ithangyou and yes please ignore these posts If its not your scene ,man.

  2. #2
    Moderator Brizey's Avatar
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    Nov 2003
    `Frighten Chicken` was run by Swedish racer Gunne Bakke in the Top Street class and yes, it`s wheels tucked in, nose up launch was very memorable...though I recall it launching very hard and very straight!.
    Gunne later ran a Camaro named `More Frighten`...

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    Name:  FRIGHTEN CHICKEN...jpg
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    "The older i get, the faster i was".
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  3. #3
    NSRA member thamesvan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Wow,was not expecting a result there.Well done,I can sleep nights now
    Last edited by thamesvan; 19-02-20 at 02:47 PM.

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