Previously when you reported this, we established that all worked OK from your workplace:
And as no other user seems to have this issue, we have to assume that there's something different at your home setup.
If PC, laptop, & tablet all exhibit the same problem at home, I'd have to guess at something that they all share - your router, wifi, network, or ISP.
The strange menu layout you see is where the CSS has not loaded properly, and usually a F5 or Ctrl+F5 refresh will fix that (or deleting all cache & temp files, which you do regularly).
If not, maybe you're blocking javascript somewhere along the line, or your ISP or router is blocking something, or your ISP has cached a little bit of the 'old' forum code?
(ISPs also use caching: ).
A 'fix' of the forum is a long way off. This forum software is at the end of its useful life and a move to a completely new forum is more likely.