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  1. #1
    NSRA member
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    Rodders Journal

    Some good news regarding Rodders Journal international subscribers. Just had an email from the Customer Service team saying that back issues #84 & #85 were shipped on Thursday . They have really struggled I know to get this accomplished and have asked for confirmation when they get here to the UK. When that happens I think it would be a nice gesture if they got some positive feedback from our community regarding their efforts to keep RJ alive.

  2. #2
    NSRA member
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    Patiently waiting here!


    Sent from my SM-T515 using NSRA mobile app
    Bumper sticker - This is an historic vehicle and only has three speeds....... if you don't like this one you sure as hell won't like the others.

  3. #3
    NSRA member stokebloke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BarryD View Post
    Some good news regarding Rodders Journal international subscribers. Just had an email from the Customer Service team saying that back issues #84 & #85 were shipped on Thursday . They have really struggled I know to get this accomplished and have asked for confirmation when they get here to the UK. When that happens I think it would be a nice gesture if they got some positive feedback from our community regarding their efforts to keep RJ alive.
    I wonder if ALL international subscribers will get that email ?

  4. #4
    NSRA member Dave's Avatar
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    I don't have a subscription but I got #84 and #85 when I was in Australia late last year
    ...but is it steel?

  5. #5
    NSRA member stokebloke's Avatar
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    Dave, I also brought 84 and 85 in from Australia. And I’m a subscriber too. Cost about £30 each issue, had to have them to complete the set.

  6. #6
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    I haven't heard anything from them since issues 84 and 85 were reportedly with the shippers and about to be shipped months ago. I hope they are on the way but remain unconvinced.

  7. #7
    NSRA member thamesvan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stokebloke View Post
    Dave, I also brought 84 and 85 in from Australia. And I’m a subscriber too. Cost about £30 each issue, had to have them to complete the set.
    A friend of mine got to panic stage and threw a bunch of money to keep his RJ a complete set ,and also opted to import the latest issues from Australia..He hasnt received anything, as yet from England;is there a contact to see whats happening,Except for this thread he would still be ordering from Oz.Thanks for posting,its given him some hope?
    I am Spartacus

  8. #8
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    This edited ( by me) email from RJ came in on Wednesday. I suspect many of you also have it , but some may not have. Regards Barry.
    International Subscriber Update
    We are pleased to announce that all international TRJ #84 and #85 subscriber copies have been mailed and they are on their way to you now. In fact, they left the United States before our July 4th holiday weekend. And in fact, we have heard quite a few of you have already received them in quite a few parts of the world.
    We realize this has taken far too long to get these magazines out to our international subscribers, and for that we do apologize. It did take us quite some time to get the magazines on their way for a whole lot of reasons that we won’t bore you with here. The company that we were using went out of business and it took quite some time to find a suitable replacement. But we feel we now have a good relationship with a new freight company and believe that it will be beneficial for all of us moving forward.

    This is all a long-winded way of saying that we feel we have a new procedure worked out and that we plan to use them for shipping international subscription copies in the future. We are also confident that we can do this without delay and that foreign subscription copies will be sent out at approximately the same time as domestic copies.
    Earlier in the year we shipped hundreds of packages that were back orders and/or reships, some of these were domestic, but a lot were international. We hope that everyone has what they ordered at this point.

    We still have some rebuilding to do, but we feel we are making good progress and are confident in the future.

    We are in the midst of putting the final touches on TRJ #86 that will go to print soon. Although we are probably too close to the subject matter to give an objective opinion, we are pretty excited about the content of TRJ #86. We feel it is shaping up to be one of our best efforts to date. To give you a little sneak peek we have included a couple of photos from TRJ #86 in this email.

  9. #9
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    Hope you are right Barry, just been in the States and went into Barnes and Noble, one hot rod mag on the stand and it was mainly muscle cars, used to be a whole row of them and it was a hard choice, changed days! We need the RJ badly!

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  10. #10
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    No email here, but fingers crossed & hoping - Barry: I agree

  11. #11
    NSRA Committee
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    I'm a subscriber but no email to me yet.

  12. #12
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    I realise from the posts regarding emails that I need to clarify my original post and provide more detail.I’m a lifetime subscriber and have been corresponding with RJ for a while to try to help with the different paths and options RJ could take in trying to fulfill the return of RJ through our letterboxs in the UK. Those of you who subscribe to the magazine Modern Rodding ( owned and run by the ex Street Rodder magazine editorial team) will have noticed that they have recently switched from the US postal service to a UK postal provider. I provided those details to RJ in the hope that it might assist them in finding a UK distribution outlet that was cost effective for them .They then replied pretty quickly that they had finally found a provider in the US and that shipping had started last Thursday. I’ve replied and said good news and stated to them that I’ve posted this info on the UK NSRA web site , I suspect that their won’t be any personal emails from them posted regarding this matter as they appear to be totally overwhelmed with their current workload. As an example of this it normally takes them three to four weeks to reply to one of my emails to them! Regards Barry

  13. #13
    NSRA member
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    Thanks for the clarification! And it's actually more encouraging than before as there's some reliable confirmation that something is happening, or at least seems to be. Heres hoping!


    Sent from my SM-T515 using NSRA mobile app
    Bumper sticker - This is an historic vehicle and only has three speeds....... if you don't like this one you sure as hell won't like the others.

  14. #14
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    Amazed! Issues 84 & 85 just arrived in the post! Never believed they would come but proved wrong. Hopefully there will be more published soon.
    Thanks to Barry as it appears you managed to help them sort the shipping out.

  15. #15
    NSRA member stokebloke's Avatar
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    My issue 84 arrived today but no 85 which is strange because I have definitely paid for it and more as well. Lots of posts on social media about people getting both their issues in one package.

  16. #16
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    Fantastic. RJ #84 & #85 popped through my letter box a short while ago. I hope all other UK rodders have the same thing happen to them. I feel I must reiterate my initial post regarding the UK rodding population sending positive feedback to RJ regarding this outcome . RJ was on its knees and could have easily rolled over and quit. They didn’t, but I sense they need confirmation from us that there is still a big appetite for RJ here in the UK. Regards Barry

  17. #17
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    Lovely surprise here today too as a couple of issues arrived! Better late than never for sure and big thumbs up to Steve Coonan for having whatever it is to pull through what was clearly an all but lost suituation, standing by obligations which in actuality were probably no more than moral. Good on ya and thanks! Long live TRJ!


    Sent from my SM-T515 using NSRA mobile app
    Bumper sticker - This is an historic vehicle and only has three speeds....... if you don't like this one you sure as hell won't like the others.

  18. #18
    NSRA member trimmer's Avatar
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    Still no sign of mine !
    Anyone else still waiting ?

  19. #19
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    Nothing here yet either.

  20. #20
    NSRA member dooscoop's Avatar
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    I subscribed a couple of years ago when American auto mags stopped bringing them in, but I never received an issue.
    when I subscribed I had the option to have a free gift, I picked a tee shirt.
    The tee shirt arrived last month, so, patiently waiting for a Mag

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