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Thread: Rodders Journal

  1. #21
    NSRA member
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    Jan 2016
    Apology.Forgot to include the most important part. Barry

    If you have any questions regarding your subscription or a previous order, please feel free to contact
    we are trying to keep up with emails on a daily basis while creating a new magazine and other company solutions.

  2. #22
    NSRA member thamesvan's Avatar
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    Well done
    I am Spartacus

  3. #23
    NSRA Committee
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    Am I the only one that hasn't received my copies yet?

    I got the email on July 12th. I guess I might have to reply to them.

  4. #24
    NSRA member trimmer's Avatar
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    Still nothing here. Emailed them but no reply.
    Not very impressed.

  5. #25
    NSRA member
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    Nothing here either. But then, I'm no worse off than before Barry's first post !

  6. #26
    NSRA member kapri's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tylf33 View Post
    Nothing here either. But then, I'm no worse off than before Barry's first post !

    I solved the problem completely a fair while back before all this happened.

    I sold Steve Goodridges full collections of A and B covers for a subtantial amount of money , first set to come to the market over here.

    I then decided that by selling my own mixed covers ,but full collection, freed up money to spend on MY car instead of looking at pictures of others
    Galations 6:7

  7. #27
    NSRA member av8's Avatar
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    I got the International Subscribers email on 12th July, still no RJ.

  8. #28
    NSRA Committee
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    Quote Originally Posted by av8 View Post
    I got the International Subscribers email on 12th July, still no RJ.
    Had the email on the same date as you, so I guess there might still be some hope for all of us that have yet to find the parcel on the doormat.

    I'm not holding my breath though.

  9. #29
    NSRA member trimmer's Avatar
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    Had email from them on 12th as well, still not received anything.
    Emailed them twice now and no reply whatsoever !

  10. #30
    NSRA member trimmer's Avatar
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    What was the outcome here with the half dozen or so of us who hadn't received anything ?
    Despite sending numerous emails and no replies whatsoever I still haven't got what I paid for !
    Anyone else still waiting ?

  11. #31
    NSRA member av8's Avatar
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    Yup, I'm still waiting.

  12. #32
    NSRA Committee
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    Yep. Me too.

  13. #33
    NSRA member
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    Rodders Journal Update. An american auto bookshop that I use is reporting that following contact with RJ they have just been told that RJ issue 86 has been printed and is currently being processed ready for shipment . The bookshop expects to be in receipt of copies within a couple of weeks. Keep your fingers crossed! Regards Barry

  14. #34
    NSRA member
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    Barry, thanks for keeping the torch alight! Sad, and wrong, that some are still empty handed of the last 2 issues. Lets hope that TRJ gets back on its feet properly any legacy issues are resolved. Does seem like an uphill struggle from where it got to, unless there's a huge pit of money available, which I doubt. Remaining optimistic nonetheless!

    Bumper sticker - This is an historic vehicle and only has three speeds....... if you don't like this one you sure as hell won't like the others.

  15. #35
    NSRA member dw123's Avatar
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    If you're in Austin next weekend for the LSRU....

    'The Rodder’s Journal & Deadend Worldwide Party
    (2109 South Congress Ave. across from C-Boy’s)

    7-10pm - Celebrate the return of The Rodder’s Journal with Deadend Worldwide and enjoy tacos, refreshments and the exotic sounds of DJ Tropicana Joe!'
    ...are we out tonight?

  16. #36
    NSRA member stokebloke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dw123 View Post
    If you're in Austin next weekend for the LSRU....

    'The Rodder’s Journal & Deadend Worldwide Party
    (2109 South Congress Ave. across from C-Boy’s)

    7-10pm - Celebrate the return of The Rodder’s Journal with Deadend Worldwide and enjoy tacos, refreshments and the exotic sounds of DJ Tropicana Joe!'
    I bet that will be packed out with people wanting a little word in a certain person’s ear ��

  17. #37
    NSRA member av8's Avatar
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    Barry, thanks for the update but I have still not received 84 + 85 from TRJ , emailed them........nothing.
    I ended up buying them from US Ebayers to keep up to date.
    I'm sorry, but I'm not optimistic about getting any further contact or issues from them.


  18. #38
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    I got an email today saying issue 86 has been shipped to subscribers so we will see.

  19. #39
    NSRA member av8's Avatar
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    So did I, we'll have to wait and see.

  20. #40
    NSRA member
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    Rodders Journal update.
    Last week while on the US east coast visiting the grandchildren I managed to drive up to Maryland to get a quick shop tour of The East Coast Hot Rod Garage and geographically virtually next door to them the Rodders Journal office. What follows are my observations visually and the main points covered in a roughly 20 minute conversation with Steve Coonan and Geoff Miles who were about to leave the office on an errand ,but took the time to stop and update me on the RJ current position.
    The only ident on the entry door is the RJ logo the rest of the frontage is plain panelled glass ,this is not a palatial office unit it’s in a well used industrial area that I’m guessing was built in the 50s/60s
    Inside its about 35ft wide by roughly 60ft deep, at the far end across the back wall there are 3 office cubicles one of which has a bed in it! More on that later. General appearance inside…..well worn
    There are cardboard box’s everywhere some stacked high ,some low, random gaps here and there,you can’t see from one side of the room to the other
    Just inside the single front door is a table approximately 5ft x12 long which had small photographic? lamps on it.Overhead ceiling lighting is dim….typical storage/warehouse style.
    I introduce myself and ask for an update on their current situation

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