There are access holes to the rear shox top mounts, needed to make up covers, so I got a bit of wood and cut a hole, then walloped the metal with a ball pein hammer.
Came out ok, and wont be seen anyway.
Paint. I decided in October that with such mild weather, I would go ahead and paint the body.
By the time Ive done all the prep, temp was down to 0 degrees when I got up this morning, and snowed here yesterday.
Not ideal for spraying!
But now Ive come this far, I wanted to get the top coat on.
So I heated the garage with with the wood burner, and brought the compresser inside the garage (usually lives in what Mrs Taxirod calls "the kennel", so as to maximise space inside garage), also I had a dehumidifier blowing its output towards the compressor.
I got a bit anxious when, after spraying a couple of coats, I noticed little bits of smoky/ash/ whatever, flying through the air and landing on the paint. Mental note: If I ever do this again, I'll heat the garage a couple of hours prior, then leave the wood burner alone for a good while before spraying.
Anyway, I was pleased with the results.....
Afterwards I gazed at my reflection all around the car, and congratulated myself!
Got a few runs here and there, plan now is to get out in the garage tomorrow and gently wet sand with soap on 1200 paper, and polish.
I really hate that bit, its so frustrating when you break through.