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Thread: Pop Mayday.

  1. #21
    NSRA member Blackpopracing's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Happydaze View Post
    I strongly suggest this thread should be in the members only area, dirty washing etc, not for public consumption.

    Anyway, handy that there are apparent exemptions from those pesky annual tests, huh?

    Buzz Lightyear and others should be ashamed.

    At least it's now in good hands, and disaster averted!

    There is no finger pointing Chris, it is what it is. There are plenty of rods on the road like this - it's just I would have expected a bit better from professionals. I can see some of it was due to time constraints (windows not fitted properly etc) and allegedly the budget for this was blown big time as they had never done a hot rod before.

  2. #22
    Moderator jsf55's Avatar
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    Get me a picture of the otherside of the rack Mark or i'll get a pic off my spare rack

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  3. #23
    NSRA member Blackpopracing's Avatar
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    Will do John.

  4. #24
    Moderator jsf55's Avatar
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    Was down the garage so took pics it's not the same shorter steering spline bit coarse thread on TRE tho 14mm
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  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blackpopracing View Post
    There is no finger pointing Chris, it is what it is. There are plenty of rods on the road like this - it's just I would have expected a bit better from professionals. I can see some of it was due to time constraints (windows not fitted properly etc) and allegedly the budget for this was blown big time as they had never done a hot rod before.
    My request for privacy wasn't to do with any finger pointing / naming and shaming but from giving certain D**A / V**A type authorities valuable ammunition. So many worrying facets to this that I won't go into here. But I might just be paranoid, keeping a low profile under my own little stone?

    Bumper sticker - This is an historic vehicle and only has three speeds....... if you don't like this one you sure as hell won't like the others.

  6. #26
    NSRA member Blackpopracing's Avatar
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    I'll leave it to the mods to decide.


    Can you flip it over & take photos from the other side?

  7. #27
    Moderator jsf55's Avatar
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    Hows that Mark ?Name:  20240415_141339.jpeg
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  8. #28
    NSRA member Blackpopracing's Avatar
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    Yes, that's the same John. What rack is that?
    Is it narrowed for your car?

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  9. #29
    Moderator jsf55's Avatar
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    As far as i remember it's a standard Mk2 escort rack, no modifications, running it with 14mm rose joints and boots for last 18 years

  10. #30
    NSRA member Blackpopracing's Avatar
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    I wondered if the one in the photo was a spare?

  11. #31
    Moderator jsf55's Avatar
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    It's my spare, not spare as in available

  12. #32
    NSRA member Blackpopracing's Avatar
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    Ok John, Rally design seem to be he best supplier I've found so far.

    Just come in from a couple of hours on it - found a couple more horrors, but options are now becoming clearer.

    I broke the rack down to see where it had been narrowed, it seems to be done to the correct measurements, but it's just not quite straight. The daft thing on these racks though, is you can just cut the end off and have it turned down and a new thread cut and then just screw the cup back on & stake it. Far easier & safer.

    And the differently adjusted TRE's. I found out the reason for this odd adjustment later on. (and the bad butt welded joints - again they can be cut down and re-threaded).

    This is the maximum steering available on the passenger side, not much eh?

    Thats because the brake caliper hits the lower wishbone. The odd TRE length was to stop this!

    The upper mount holes are not in alignment - obvious here; so they will need to be welded up and new holed drilled.

    One bit I can't work out is why all 4 wishbones have been fitted with the rose joint spacers at the back but the rose joints are tight at the front?
    Why not fit thinner spacers both sides??? I will rectify this as I see no reason not to.

    Hmmmm....nice groove in the tyre - that will be where it was ripped into by the headlamp mount (which ripped the wiring off aparrently) before it was given back - how low was it before then if it's still too low now?

    Anyway, I reassembled it with the original springs and put it on a flat level section of the garage floor, just over 3" clearance under the grill and the suspension arms are at this angle;

    And with it sitting on some bricks approx where I think it ought to be - 5" under the grill - I might get away with 4.5" as there is enough clearance everywhere else. A bit more angle than I would like, but I might be able to lose some of that when I alter the balljoint plates.

    The springs are 425Lbs and are 8" open, with the weight of the car on them they compress to 6 1/8" - I'm sure there's a formula to work out what the poundage should be as I believe they should compress less? I forgot to measure the length now I've got them on bricks, will do that tomorrow.

    Car stance sitting on the bricks - I think it can go 1/2" lower without issue.

    Last job before I came in was the throttle pedal, as you can see, it's too low and too near the A post. (and the cable is completely misaligned to the bulkhead)

    A little bit of reworking to the bracket and it's now aligned with the bulkhead so the cable runs straight, and it's move up and in, a far more comfortable foot position.

  13. #33
    NSRA member taxirod's Avatar
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    Wow, what a true gentleman and hero you are Mark.
    Shocking that "professionals " can do such a poor job.
    You're the man.
    I may live in East London, I may have a number plate that reads "Chopt",
    but I do NOT use 6" wheel spacers!

  14. #34
    Moderator jsf55's Avatar
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    If you centralise the upper wishbone it's going too alter the caster. It might have been done for that reason. But if your raising it it will add caster anyway ...
    Edit. The threads on the end of the rack are rolled if your going too redo the arms you need too be the same diameter as a standard 14mm thread if that's what it is

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  15. #35
    NSRA member Captain Scarlet's Avatar
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    It's worth keeping in mind that the chassis/ suspension etc was as bought rolling,and not built by them,but an assumption should not have been made that everything was all good.

    Top ball joint may or may not be locking out, easy to tell if it is by checking if the shock is reaching the end of its travel first.
    As the arm travels up the joint angle is correcting,if the ball joint locks at full travel upwards that is dangerous as a FUL load is on it,not so when jacked up,but should still not act as a 'stop'.

  16. #36
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    Throttle pedal looks very much like a United Pacific stainless piece like I have on the 41 Chevy. That being the case the outer bushing is attached to the mounting flange by two tiny resistance spot welds that fail in fairly short order, especially if there's anything other than foot pressure directly onto the pad, like that's going to happen all the time! Easily fixed by running a small weld bead down the sides. Takes moments with tig. If you want that done and don't have tig just mail it to me and I'll sort it. Better check it is the stainless one though as there are some chrome ones too?

    Curious a arm spacers = caster adjustment?

    Not a fan of Rose joints on a road car ( harsh), and unprotected from elements. How much ard those boots things?


    Sent from my SM-T515 using NSRA mobile app
    Bumper sticker - This is an historic vehicle and only has three speeds....... if you don't like this one you sure as hell won't like the others.

  17. #37
    NSRA member Blackpopracing's Avatar
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    ALL of the wishbones (upper & lower) have the spacers at the back only, so nothing to to with castor. Good point on the threads, we will cut & sleeve them then.


    The front suspension was changed/altered by car sos after they bought it.
    Upper & lower balljoints are 100% locking out on drop, there is about 2" of shock travel left unused with the balljoints locked. Under compression they are ok, but there is only 1.5" of compression available as it is set up at present.
    Last edited by Blackpopracing; 16-04-24 at 10:37 AM.

  18. #38
    NSRA member Blackpopracing's Avatar
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    Agreed on the boots, another job on the list. Throttle pedal is chromed, but the hinge points have already been welded.

  19. #39
    NSRA member Captain Scarlet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blackpopracing View Post

    ALL of the wishbones (upper & lower) have the spacers at the back only, so nothing to to with castor. Good point on the threads, we will cut & sleeve them then.


    The front suspension was changed/altered by car sos after they bought it.
    Upper & lower balljoints are 100% locking out on drop, there is about 2" of shock travel left unused with the balljoints locked. Under compression they are ok, but there is only 1.5" of compression available as it is set up at present.
    I didn't know they had altered the front suspension,did they do the rack ?
    Thanks for taking the time to clarify the ball joint situation,still needs to be rectified then.

    And thanks for being there for Andy

  20. #40
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    Not quite sure what we all mean by the Rosejoint spacers and their positioning and caster and think we might have wires crossed. The way I see it, the whole arm can be moved forward of backwards by repositioning the spacer to give some caster adjustment, unless I'm missing something (sadly all too easy!)

    And do I spy with my little eye an absence of jam(b?) nuts on the Rosejoints?


    Sent from my SM-T515 using NSRA mobile app
    Bumper sticker - This is an historic vehicle and only has three speeds....... if you don't like this one you sure as hell won't like the others.

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