as far as in know all the new mk1/2 escort racks made these days are quick racks. the occasional nos standard one pops up for sale like this one
as far as in know all the new mk1/2 escort racks made these days are quick racks. the occasional nos standard one pops up for sale like this one
You can get rebuild kits too if the housing and arms are ok
Sent from my SM-A515F using NSRA mobile app
Can't do any more updates as now unable to access forum on PC, just get white pages. Only access is via phone and I can't type and upload photos easily on that.
Every man dies, not every man really lives. My Intro My Ride
Some good progress tonight, I had a chat with probably the best hot rod suspension builder in the UK tonight - Wayne from 'Odd Rods' (he built my suspension on mine) and he is renowned for his front clips - especially for pops.
Sadly he was contacted by car sos for one of his front clips, but as they wanted it in 24 hours he was unable to supply in such a short time frame which is a bit of a tradegy in retrospect.
Anyway, I'm going over to him tomorrow evening with the whole front suspension and we will set it up on his suspension jig, I have taken all the datum points he asked for from the car and these will be replicated on the table so we can plan it correctly to rectify the problems.
He has ideas on the rack and has a couple of racks that may suit
So tonight was then spent on some little wins.
I looked over the rear suspension and this was obviously checked over better with yellow markings on every bolt (I assume to mark it was tightened). The rear shocks did have a massive amount of pre load in them with the adjusters wound up rock hard. This would account for the bouncy ride when I drove it - only the tyres were giving the movement.
I unwound them completely and just added a couple of turns of pre load, set the adjusters at 8 clicks and it now has a working rear suspension
It needs a good clean - it's covered in filler dust everywhere!
While under there I found the trans fluid leak Kim had told me about, it has a nice trans cooler fitted over the rear axle, and one of the pipe clips was a bit loose, nipped up and no more leak
Another little job was welding some studs to the back of the throttle pedal plate, so it can fix securely to the mount with no bolts on the front.
While the welder was on I bolted the wheel to the hub and welded the 3 loose studs back on, so another job ticked off.
Lastly, the rearview mirror was bolted to the dash top - a fairly useless position, it's now fixed to the screen top as Andy wanted and has a far better rear view now.
Last edited by Blackpopracing; 17-04-24 at 02:10 PM.
Every man dies, not every man really lives. My Intro My Ride
Sounds like you've got your work cut out on this one Mark, good luck with the re-fit mate.
Cheers Tim W
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I had a good visit with Wayne at OddRods last night, and we do have a way forward now but I need to chat with Kim & Andy about it before I say on how we achieve this but crowd funding is probably the way.
I had another look tonight at the crossmember & chassis rails and took some more measurements - the castor is 7 degrees! way too much for a road car. The chassis does look fairly simple to cut though........The white lines show the cut line and the drop needed.
Wayne bluntly stated that the parts I brought over for him to look at were dangerous and that he would not touch them. His advise was it's less work to just start again, and I think I agree with him.
A few photos of his work here show the quality of what he builds. This is under an Opal GT - with a twin turbo LS motor going in it!
Some larger lower wishbones for a truck and some other top wisbones.
One of his front clips under construction
And a shot of one under a Pop in his workshop.
These come all set up with no bumpsteer and he can even put the tracking approx correct for the initial fitting if asked.
Every man dies, not every man really lives. My Intro My Ride
Just spoken to Andy & Kim and they have given me permission to try crowdfunding for it.
The costs for everything will be about £1800 to complete so we will need around £1200 from crowdfunding - possibly a little less if we can sell anything off.
If anyone would like to donate any amount big or small then we would all be very grateful.
Once I've set up a go fund me page I'll post details. If anyone prefers PayPal then please PM me.
Every man dies, not every man really lives. My Intro My Ride
Here is ther link to the go fund me page, thank you in advance to anyone who contributes.
Every man dies, not every man really lives. My Intro My Ride
Can we get this link posted up on some FB pages .. Ford Pops UK and Anglia group. Doesn't matter how much as it will all add up. And link back too this build page
Sent from my SM-A515F using NSRA mobile app
It’s over £700 already
Sent from my iPad using NSRA mobile app
Done something for the cause.
I inadvertently lost the app a short while ago and now am on the Web based forum, which is now a very old version. I don't think there's a new posts section ( that I always used) so I wonder if this might have an effect on the fundraising? Hope not, obviously!
Chris if your on just click on the full site button bottm of the page and it shows the site as full size
Dunno John, I can't see thagt button, but have a full page. I'm seeing vbulletin v 4.2.5. Looks like it works like in the old days!! Well not the earliest days, but a good while back. No worries, it'll all come good eventually. Just hope everyone doesn't lose their **** in the meantime.
Edit, sorry, found the button and all came back to normal looking! Cheers for that !
Bumper sticker - This is an historic vehicle and only has three speeds....... if you don't like this one you sure as hell won't like the others.
It's doing well, thanks for all the donations - if you can all share it as much as possible with friends as we are nearly 3/4 of the way!!
90% now - please everyone keep sharing the link as much as possible to get the last bit please![]()
Every man dies, not every man really lives. My Intro My Ride
You guys are the best! I'm speechless at how generous everyone is being!
Every man dies, not every man really lives. My Intro My Ride
It's gone well mate, you need too plan for a bit more work now !
Flying along, but not a time to stop flapping!
Sent from my SM-T515 using NSRA mobile app
Bumper sticker - This is an historic vehicle and only has three speeds....... if you don't like this one you sure as hell won't like the others.
Found more horror bits tonight, machine screws holding calipers on and cut down bits of tube as spacers. 7mm one side of tube and just over 5 on the other sideThat would explain the weird wear patterns on the discs than. I mean, who the F**k does sh*t work like that???
Fortunately I have a spare set of ford spacers for the calipers, but I'll need to source some proper shoulder bolts for them.
Every man dies, not every man really lives. My Intro My Ride