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Thread: Door solenoids

  1. #1
    NSRA member
    Join Date
    Aug 2015

    Door solenoids

    My Chevy Suburban (1950) has no door locks but obviously I need to lock it
    The doors have been butchered in the past and after a lot of work I have them looking and latching way better than they did when I bought the wagon (Altman latches now fitted)

    Can anyone recommend a decent set of solenoids that I can fit and then losse the worry of leaving it unlocked all the time

    Need kit for the two front doors and the barn doors at the back

    Anyone have a set for sale?
    Anyone going to the Nats and can show me their set up?

    Thank you

  2. #2
    NSRA member kapri's Avatar
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    Jun 2003
    Kits available on ebay for around £20 for 2 doors. They work from a remote fob and baby ecu .

    Different kits if you want solenoids to open doord inc door psuhes they are around £50
    Galations 6:7

  3. #3
    NSRA member
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    Aug 2015
    Been looking at the Autoloc kits from Summit
    I asked on here as like to hear peoples opinions before spending my hard earned
    Also never had the need for something like this before so recommendations always a bonus

  4. #4
    NSRA member mygasser's Avatar
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    May 2009
    double check the post and duties before ordering from summit these days.
    there's plenty of full kits like this on our ebay

  5. #5
    NSRA member
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    Aug 2015
    Got a mate who regulary ships over from the US and I can always have a bit of space in the container so thats not a worry

    Think Im going to have to work from the B pillar into the door itself but not entirely sure yet

    Small round solenoids (45lb pull) should do the trick but i need to do a bit more research hence my question on here to see if anyone has already done it

  6. #6
    Moderator jsf55's Avatar
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    Sep 2003
    I've seen one set up where it was no more than the solinoid rod coming from the B pillar into the rear of the door... simple and effective !

    Sent from my SM-A515F using NSRA mobile app

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