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Thread: Directional Power Steering Issue

  1. #1
    NSRA member
    Join Date
    Feb 2024

    Directional Power Steering Issue

    I have an astra h electric pump supplying a 92 Camaro steering box. The issue i have is that turning right, the pump changes note and I have assisted steering, but turning left, the pump tone doesn't change note or give ANY assistance. Been messaging people and googling but all i get are conflicting answers....or none. Logic tells me that the pump either works to supply the demand or not. But with limited knowledge of these boxes, I would guess there is a directional valve or similar that could be contaminated and blocked?? The box is smooth to rotate and very little play so doesn't seem badly worn and the hoses are new.

  2. #2
    NSRA member
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Guesswork on my part but it sounds like the pump is OK, it either works or it doesn't. I think I'd be rethinking the question, ignoring the pump, and look at it that you have assistance in one direction only, and see what you find.

    For example


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    Last edited by Happydaze; 30-07-24 at 01:01 PM.
    Bumper sticker - This is an historic vehicle and only has three speeds....... if you don't like this one you sure as hell won't like the others.

  3. #3
    NSRA member
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    Feb 2024
    Cheers for the link Chris. Certainly follows my logic of thinking that the issue most likely lies within the box area.

  4. #4
    Moderator jsf55's Avatar
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    Sep 2003
    I won't go into great detail but you had new hoses made? was the old unions used and were any of fitted with valving of any sort ?

  5. #5
    NSRA member
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    Feb 2024
    Quote Originally Posted by jsf55 View Post
    I won't go into great detail but you had new hoses made? was the old unions used and were any of fitted with valving of any sort ?
    No, all new unions and no valving

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